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Saturday 26th October 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Dundee Utd

Woolwich attack


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Horrific murder but why is this being given so much media coverage?



Nothing to do with the news that Aghan translators will be permitted to settle in the UK once the British Army pull out in order to steal our jobs and send all our benefits back to their mud huts.





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A similar incident happened in the east end of Glasgow about 6 years ago.



Guy was hacked to pieces in broad daylight in the middle of the street.

Guy was a well known gangster and had decided to slash one of his rivals faces the night before then made the mistake of going for a walk alone when a car pulled up and within a few minutes he was gone.

Local press barely touched it. National press ignored it. Not sure if the police ever got the guys who did it and it was essentially put down as 'just another gang related incident'



Fairly ok area of London, victim allegedly a soldier, killers meant to be spouting some sort of religious spiel so straight away labelled a terrorist attack.

Media jump all over it.


Perhaps im too cynical or have a sick mind but I cant believe that there haven't been similar incidents with the London Gangs in the past.


Of course the inevitable death penalty debate will no doubt kick off again

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Bollocks Tom, you can't compare the two incidents with each other. I'm surprised you would even stoop so low to attempt it. I'm not saying the media hasn't blown it out of proportion, but despite anyones political leanings, to complain about a gangster getting killed and an innocent person? Please. I hope the two cunts get their justice in prison with however the "justice" system works in there. They deserve everything they get. I'm glad the police didn't shoot the bastards dead.

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Bollocks Tom, you can't compare the two incidents with each other. I'm surprised you would even stoop so low to attempt it. I'm not saying the media hasn't blown it out of proportion, but despite anyones political leanings, to complain about a gangster getting killed and an innocent person? Please. I hope the two cunts get their justice in prison with however the "justice" system works in there. They deserve everything they get. I'm glad the police didn't shoot the bastards dead.






(Although fully expecting the "he was a soldier, so not just an innocent person" nonsense)



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Bollocks Tom, you can't compare the two incidents with each other. I'm surprised you would even stoop so low to attempt it. I'm not saying the media hasn't blown it out of proportion, but despite anyones political leanings, to complain about a gangster getting killed and an innocent person? Please. I hope the two cunts get their justice in prison with however the "justice" system works in there. They deserve everything they get. I'm glad the police didn't shoot the bastards dead.




And based on what the guy said in the video, I can see why it is being labelled a terrorist act.  Pretty grim stuff, including the folk standing about filming it!


Main concern is that the likes of the EDL stoke things up.

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Bollocks Tom, you can't compare the two incidents with each other. I'm surprised you would even stoop so low to attempt it. I'm not saying the media hasn't blown it out of proportion, but despite anyones political leanings, to complain about a gangster getting killed and an innocent person? Please. I hope the two cunts get their justice in prison with however the "justice" system works in there. They deserve everything they get. I'm glad the police didn't shoot the bastards dead.

Quite although are you calling for vigilante justice or the death penalty?


Horrific attack but I don't see how two crazy nutjobs makes this a Terrorist Attack and I find it incomprehensible that firstly people stopped and photographed and videoed these cunts or secondly that the news organisations are repeatedly showing videos of this guy justifying his actions.  Nobody needs to see that shit.


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I think the bbc initially showed it by accident, horrific images and sound bites that should never have been aired. Basically the media have given these cunts exactly what they wanted.  There will no doubt be acts of retribution, lets hope things don't spiral out of control. I've heard some level headed people come out with talk of public execution and humiliation, and while I totally understand the swell of anger (I felt it myself last night), it's time to keep calm and not add fuel to the hatred.

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I think the bbc initially showed it by accident, horrific images and sound bites that should never have been aired. Basically the media have given these cunts exactly what they wanted.  There will no doubt be acts of retribution, lets hope things don't spiral out of control. I've heard some level headed people come out with talk of public execution and humiliation, and while I totally understand the swell of anger (I felt it myself last night), it's time to keep calm and not add fuel to the hatred.


Newsnight showed to seperate clips of the maniac in an opening 2min piece.

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Newsnight showed to seperate clips of the maniac in an opening 2min piece.


Yeah I mean at about 5 pm they started rolling the footage, my kids were watching at the time and it was pretty horrific.

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Im sure if you were out in the middle of a Wednesday afternoon and you saw to big black guys trying to decapitate a dead body in the middle of the road you would have charged right in.......bullshit.


If it was a Saturday and you were with your mates heading to the football and a few pints for the better possibly. I think some of those people were extremely brave especially the girl guide woman who walked up to make sure he remained clam before the police arrived. What is confusing for me is where were the guards, this happened on the road outside a large army base.

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what i dont understand there was clearly enough bystanders to go and attack these two thugs than waiting for the police to arrive, Im sure if we all had guns ourselves they would have been shot dead long before that soldier lost his life!



what a country we live in. everyone shrugs their shoulders and go Pfft nothing to do with me.. 

My wife said the same, it was on the news here and she was like why are people just walking past the guy as he was ranting in his video.

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Bollocks Tom, you can't compare the two incidents with each other. I'm surprised you would even stoop so low to attempt it. I'm not saying the media hasn't blown it out of proportion, but despite anyones political leanings, to complain about a gangster getting killed and an innocent person? Please. I hope the two cunts get their justice in prison with however the "justice" system works in there. They deserve everything they get. I'm glad the police didn't shoot the bastards dead.


Get the impression my point has been missed here


An attack in which a man is decapitated and his alleged attacker stands on the street and preaches his philisophy gets instant media attention


A similar of not more horrific attack for people to witness happens 400miles up the road and gets no coverage whatsoever


Differences between the 2

- Victims in both were very different people. One a known criminal and the other an innocent bystander

- One was targeted and the other in the wrong place at the wrong time

- Attackers in one legged it before the cops arrived. Attackers in the other hung back and even spoke to the public while holding their weapons before being shot by the armed cops.

- Police arrested people fairly quickly in one. Cops could almost be accused of ignoring the other

- One is to supposedly send a message to the government, the other was to send a message to a rival gang

- One carried out in one of the worst areas of a city, the other in a fairly affluent part of another

- One was filmed by people, the other if it was those people certainly weren't going to give it to the police or media

Similarities between the 2


-Broad daylight attacks in public areas

-Same weapons used

-witnessed by innocent bystanders


If you want to take the debate to 'is one life more valuable than another' then by all means try. It is a very dangerous topic

What i am pointing out is crimes like this are happening in the UK on a more regular basis than the media would have you believe. However only certain ones are picked up by the national media


A total nutter can go on a killing spree with a gun or knife etc at any point. Usually there is no way of predicting such an event. The media will have people terrified to go to woolwich for months now because 'thats where the nutters and terrorists' are.


Young men and women carrying around machetes and killing each other for the purposes of making statements against another gang and with seemingly little or no response from the authorities? That is more scary to me



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The soldier killed in an attack on a London street has been named as Drummer Lee Rigby of the 2nd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers. Drummer Rigby, 25, from Manchester, leaves behind a two-year-old son.

"An extremely popular and witty soldier, Drummer Rigby was a larger than life personality within the Corps of Drums and was well known, liked and respected across the Second Fusiliers," the MoD statement said.

"He was a passionate and life-long Manchester United fan."

He had joined the Army in 2006, and is described as a "loving father to his son Jack" and someone who would be "sorely missed by all who knew him".

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I'm with Tom on this. I'd bet that this isn't even the first time this week that a couple of Stone Island wearing black gangstas have stabbed another human being to death in London. BUT.... Because they were allegedly shouting "Allahu Akbar" at the time it seems to have knocked the trial of a man accused of kidnapping, sexual assault, murder and burning the body of a 5 year old girl off the front page.



Awful, awful incident especially when you consider the guy killed had a 2 year old son. However the media shitstorm that has been whipped up means that normally rational people can't see the irony in their calls for the death penalty to be reintroduced,  given the eye for an eye statements made by one of the perpetrators.





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I first heard of this when I got a text asking if I'd seen what was going down in London. I was expecting another 7/7 type thing. Turns out 2 mentalists had hacked a soldier to pieces. Not saying it isn't a horrific crime. Of course it is. But from the very start it's been blown out of all proportion. Even SSN keep referring to the "terrorist" attack. Bullshit. It was a low level gang hit. The fucking media grind my gears so much.


Can't help but feel that the EDL are ecstatic at these events as it's brilliant for their agenda. And every other racists and closet racist too.


I don't understand Islam. (Or any other religion for that matter but Islam least of all) But I'll be damned if I'm going to hate the entire religion because others think I should.


People should think twice before joining the army. But most people that join the army can't think.


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Religion.  An out of date method of controlling the masses IMO.  Islam is clearly the radge of the lot at the moment, I get quite frustrated when muslims try to convince me its "peaceful" religion.  Its clearly fucking not, none of the Arbrahamic religions are to be fair but Islam at the moment is head and shoulders above the rest.


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As I see it religion's big failing is it is all about how you interpret whatever holy book it is meant to be based on. And once you have a 'belief' you tend to get very Arsey if someone dares suggest that you have based your life on nonsense. All too often it is used as an excuse for you just not liking something.



Go back a few hundred years and Christianity was the scourge in the world with 'the crusades'. Armies descending on far off lands to convert the savages to the one true god (and also nick whatever they could for their leaders).


There are far right christians, Jews, Sikhs, Hindi, muslims who will all carry out terrorist attacks given half the chance but because of 911 the Muslim faith is the demon of the moment and with the current media facilities it is very easy to make you think anyone who so much as looks at the Koran is going to blow themselves up.



The worlds media is controlled by the west and the west is predominantly Christian, Jewish or non believers and you cant demonise your own kind as that isnt profitable (Shutting their eyes and ignoring Israel's antics for the best part of 70 years).


At its best religion can be a wonderful thing that can bring happiness, hope, inspiration and comfort to people



At its worse it is the destroyer of worlds








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