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St Johnstone Away 30 Jan

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Agree with above 2. They can take Hughes with them too.



Hughes is a fucking awful footballer. Loves putting his own teammeates under pressure with his awful 4 yard passes to players who have no options. Also loves to hide behind the full backs for some reason.

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Main Entry:   dreadful ?[dred-fuhl]   
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: horrible, frightening
Synonyms: abominable, alarming, appalling, atrocious, awful, bad, beastly, creepy*, dire, distressing, fearful, formidable, frightful, frozen, ghastly, godawful, grievous, grim, grody, gross*, hideous, horrendous, horrific, icky, lousy, mean, monstrous, rotten, shameful, shocking, shuddersome, spooky, terrible, terrific, tragic, tremendous, wicked
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Agree with above 2. They can take Hughes with them too.



Hughes is a fucking awful footballer. Loves putting his own teammeates under pressure with his awful 4 yard passes to players who have no options. Also loves to hide behind the full backs for some reason.



Thought it was just me that didn't rate him. He also loves to hoof the ball up to fucking no one so the opposition keeper can just come and collect it. Lazy prick.


Would rather have Vernon in midfield. At least he tried.

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