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Saturday 26th October 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

Scottish Premiership: Aberdeen v Dundee Utd

Curbishley/Brown/Pardew/Jewell etc


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Do we really want to go down the route of unemployed English managers? Undoubtedly, these appointments would be more exciting and inspired than the usual lazy shouts of McPherson, Hughes, et al, but I would be extremely wary.


These are managers who are used to working with money, and in some instances buying their way out of trouble. As far as I know, none of the bigger names that have been knocked about have any experience of the game in Scotland (and Aberdeen's position within it) and its' peculiarities, and I'd wager they would all come with heavy wage demands. I'd also imagine that Aberdeen might as well be in Siberia, it's so far out of the comfort zone for journeymen managers in England.


I just don't think it's particularly realistic to be looking at names like Curbishley.

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I agree. The one thing that they could offer is contacts which other managers up here.


On the point of remoteness, yes we are out of their way but Aberdeen is a nicer city than some of the shitehole english town/cities they have worked in.

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I'd rather have someone with a different mind-set to your tried and tested SPL managers, maybe someone who's been out of work for a while and would be willing to take a job like this for less pay to get themselves back on the radar down south.


While that may sound depressing, I'd rather our next manager left us after being poached by a bigger club after doing well at Pittodrie than having to sack another failure.


I think someone who's used to working with better players will be better suited to getting rid of the dross and getting the most out of the players who have ability but don't use it as often as they should.

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Curbishley is the only one I'd take out of that lot but even then I don't think we'd get him.


If we get someone who knows the Scottish game then that has it's own pitfalls... buys the usual Scottish journeymen shite players, fans have their own pre-conceived hang ups over him resulting in less patience from the fans.


Someone from outside - be that an englishman or from elsewhere - could have some fresh ideas for us and no connection to ourselves or any other Scottish club could be a good thing, particularly for the support to start a fresh.  But then, look at Ian Porterfield's time. Although he was Scottish he didn't know the Scottish game and he mis-judged the quality needed extremely badly.


Basically, there are good and bad things about both appointing from outwith Scotland and from within. As long as it's the right man then it shouldn't matter where he's from.

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While that may sound depressing, I'd rather our next manager left us after being poached by a bigger club after doing well at Pittodrie than having to sack another failure.



As a slight side-note, I read recently that the last manager that left AFC of his own accord was Alex Ferguson. That is incredible, and a damning indictment of our record since he left.



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Someone needs to come in with fresh ideas.


We've went the Pele - Highland league journeymen route, we've had Jimmy with his Dutch football(!) and SPL contacts, we've had nice Uncle Ebbe with his Scandi-football which wasn't too far removed.


We need someone who has contacts abroad (including England) to bring in experienced professionals who could show the younger lads that if they eat, train and don't act like idiots that they can achieve more on a Saturday than a knee-wobbler round the back of Tiger Tiger.


Someone who could also help to promote the new stadium, turn a few heads and bring some fresh investment to the club.  A guy who could get people interested in the club again, get the fans back and who could improve training beyond the mentality that "it's snowing, we can't train".


Sadly, we don't have the ambition at the club or on the board so instead of someone like Jürgen Klinsmann to build the club up from top to bottom again, we'll get some other mug to tread water on Milne's PR exercise for his only real interest in life.

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Any manager we get/can get will have positives and negatives, such is the state of our club and the game in Scotland in general.


There will be a reason whoever we get isn't somewhere else.


It's just going to be a case of trusting the club to make the right decision . . . . . .


So we are basically fucked then.

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