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Football fans banned after fight

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Football fans banned after fight

Several Aberdeen football fans have been fined a total of £7,500 and banned from football grounds after a fight with rival Celtic supporters.


Tony Cross, 21; Nicholas Dalgleish, 18; Scott Grant, 20; Rognvald Harcus, 24; Dale McKeith, 19; and Dean Watson, 19, were each banned for three years.


Co-accused Colin Ord was also fined £2,000 over the incident outside Aberdeen's Gordon Hotel.


They admitted breach of the peace charges at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.


The court heard the Aberdeen supporters had travelled to the hotel in Wellington Road by taxi to take part in an organised fight in February last year.


Dalgleish's solicitor, Iain Hingston, told the court his client had only become involved due to peer pressure.


He said: "He was very susceptible to peer influences. He enjoyed the camaraderie but it became rapidly clear to him he was out of his depth, realising the Aberdeen lot were outnumbered.


"He simply can't believe his stupidity."


Gregor Kelly said his client, Ord, now kept away from football and had cut down on alcohol.


He said: "Clearly he knew what was happening when he got a taxi up. He accepts he threw a stick but maintains he had been punched so picked up the nearest thing and threw it."


Sheriff Douglas Cusine told them: "This kind of behaviour is completely unacceptable. Each of you came close to being put in prison.


"There will be a three-year football banning order for each of you."


Grant was fined £500 and the others were ordered to pay £1,000.


Ord also admitted breaching the peace and throwing a stick at rival supporters.


Sheriff Cusine told him: "You have a previous conviction for a football-related offence that I have to take into account.


"It seems clear you have not learned your lesson from that activity."


Four of the Celtic fans involved were previously banned from every football ground in the UK for a total of seven years.


Aberdeen lost the game 2-1 to Celtic at Pittodrie.

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big fuckin whoops




Just found it a bit ironic that an ex-Tim would end up getting banned for an incident with Tims. He is a good lad really.


Just seen your earlier point comparing the sentences with those dished out to the Celtic fans.


Any chance of appeals for them based on that?


Not sure what is new about the judge though, a quick google search shows cases involving him at Aberdeen Sheriff Court going back to at least 2003.

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There's more to just "away" than geographically Jager, I meant in terms of time too.


And it wasn't really that far "away" from the fitba was it?


Most folk have fuck all time for this kind of caper but the truth is it's going to happen and it would be silly to say otherwise. It's also true that they will get caught at some point so greeting about the punishment is a bit daft.

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not at all - except in the eyes of the Courts and the Police - especially considering everyone knew why they were there.

The Police make it out to be much worse to get bigger budgets.



Can't say I agree with 'football violence' but if the fighting is not actually inside the ground why ban them from the ground? Won't stop them fighting outside the ground again?!
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So as the government can report that X banning orders have been dished out.  The number X will then be used to make it look like the government are showing a tough stance. An increasing number of bans and increasing budget for law and order.  Otherwise, a low number of X for showing the problem has gone away (what a great government  ::) ) and excusing a budget cut for the police.

Well I can finally put that one to bed then.


Thank you.

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Let's face it Bobo, in the same city, on match day. It is not rocket science/midlife etc



It's obviously football orientated, theres no getting around that fact. Just don't think the banning from the ground is neccessary. By all means fine them and punish them. Just think the football banning order is stupid.

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It's obviously football orientated, theres no getting around that fact. Just don't think the banning from the ground is neccessary. By all means fine them and punish them. Just think the football banning order is stupid.


I don't, if the thing is football related and the punishment kinda fits the crime then why not?


If you don't want to miss out on going to the fitba you'll either get good at no getting caught or no do it.

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I don't, if the thing is football related and the punishment kinda fits the crime then why not?


If you don't want to miss out on going to the fitba you'll either get good at no getting caught or no do it.

They say they're going to ban people who sing homophobic songs, but neither of us are going to stop lettin Nacho Novo know he's a fucking homo :thumbsup:
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