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Friday 14th June 2024

Euro 2024 - šŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗ Germany v šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁓ó æ Scotland - kick-off 8pm


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Everything posted by baggy89

  1. Hopefully heā€™s nae going or thereā€™ll be none left. Boydā€™s just a B&M Bargains version of Robbie Savageā€™s Primark version of, Minijc. That article is the the very definition of click bait. Plug heeded hun cunt.
  2. We did Scottish history first and second year, William Wallace, Rob Roy, Robert the Bruce James the I & V. Then it was WW's for Standard Grade, although I've a vague recollection of the Highland Clearances too (early 90's). Although we got to choose our "project" topic and I did the fishing industry in North East Scotland. Which surprisingly/unsurprisingly there was fuck all written about. Bulk of the info came from one book. When I started I thought there would be loads in the libraries of Peterheed and the Broch, but no.
  3. Saw all this on twitter yesterday. What relevance does it have to now? It's a non story in itself, as Peat says he ignored it and as we know, the league season was extended. It was 11 seasons ago. It involved a club that ceased to exist 6 years ago. Only thing that crossed my mind is, is this the deflectors being turned on for some bad news befalling the new club in the next week or two?
  4. Why would there need to be actual contact on his knee for that joint to take an abnormal stress load as a result from a kick to the leg? For arguments sake McKenna twists his knee as a result of the kick and stretches ligaments. The intent was the same it was "just a petulant swipe" there was no intention to injure the player, is it just unfortunate on McKenna and Aberdeen and still a yellow? Intent or no intent to injure it is a violent reaction. Petulance would have been a shoulder shove back. Raised hands/push probably a yellow. A kick, headbutt or thrown punch is excessive force whether contact is made or not. Otherwise you are opening a can of worms. When is a kick too hard or to which part of the body is there no intent to injure? If a headbutt is made to the opposition forehead (hardest part of the skull and unlikely to cause injury) and at a slow speed, it's a yellow? but a faster movement making contact with the eye-socket a red? A punch to the nose or one to the chest? What if you aim for the nose but hit fresh air? Who is the arbiter of what is excessive force and intent to injure? Grey areas make referee's jobs harder at all levels, as it enables people to question decisions. It should be black and white. As for pro's involvement in getting the rule adapted, fuck off just don't kick, punch, bite, headbutt anyone on the pitch. Problem solved.
  5. From the tribunal: Not sure this part (in bold) doesn't render everything else provided as mitigation null. The Ramos reference was in relation to the reasons provided in the tribunal. If McKenna had gone down screaming and clutching his knee would the original red have stood? As far as grass roots refs, I am aware through the couple I know (who have given up because of it) of regular threats of violence/actual violence following the issuing of cards; including being followed home after the game. If kicking an opponent is now up to interpretation, as to the severity of harm to the injured party, in the professional game. This kind of behaviour towards officials will only increase. Folk willing to referee games will decrease and likewise opportunities to play.
  6. The excessive force thing is a complete nonsense. Just look at the carry on's Ramos has, in every game with the slightest contact. If McKenna had gone down like Ramos does, is the red card upheld? That rule is a load of shite. Pisses me off as much as the if the defender makes contact with you in the box, don't try and stay on your feet, as you won't get the penalty. And lets not underestimate the effect it will have in the grass roots game, and how much harder are ref's going to have it at that level? Respect my arse.
  7. Oooft difficult one. I said Ā£6-8 million and itā€™s bang in the middle. A few decent clauses including a decent sell on; 20% and thatā€™s difficult to turn down. On one hand another 4 months like the end of last season and we might have a few more clubs interested and itā€™s Ā£10-12 million being offered, on the other... Iā€™m not even contemplating.
  8. If that was aimed at me, I know, that was my point. In accepting they are a new club they'd have to also accept that all the nonsense they come away with is, just that. If they did that, all their mentally/socially/personality deficient followers would no longer be attracted to them, and their revenue sources would dry up. These people feel lost and the horde mentality that club/company provide makes them feel safe and in a sad way fulfilled, somehow. Unfortunately it is also a blight on Scotland's social demographic and culture. I'm in agreement they should have been allowed to go the same way Gretna were. The fan's may have banded together and formed a cohesive and "clean" fan owned club that fully deserved it's place in the professional leagues one day. Although I am doubtful, I think if made to restart properly that which I mentioned earlier would happen and support dwindle. They'd have possibly ended up a Partick or St Mirren sized club or even similar to us, hearts and hibs as everyone would have seen the negative affect the old club had on society as a whole. The green team also reduces in support size and we end up with a proportionate league and a more functional 21st century society.
  9. Aye it's that kind of shite that is making them more dis-likable than when they supported the liquidated club. They've always had huge amounts of misplaced arrogance and the way the last 6 years has played out has only multiplied that. I'd certainly have less ill will towards them if they admitted the old club was liquidated they now supported a new one (with the same abhorrent founding principals), and that they had in fact won nothing as a new club. I suppose to do that would be admitting they let their club die and that would inherently undermine their opinion of themselves as the most loyal and fantastic support. It would also deny them the ability to claim they are the most successful club side in the world, that they were relegated and the world is against them, and that they are attempting to win a 55th top league title. In other words everything that attracts those mentally and intellectually weak individuals to follow them, thereby potentially reducing their support and income.
  10. I'd just rather see them humiliated at this stage. Drubbings in all games and close enough their followers will travel in numbers and undoubtedly embarrass themselves and the company they follow. Arrogant cunts.
  11. I think itā€™s a decent squad with cover in most positions. We should see less round pegs in square holes. It looks like we have the personnel to play in a number of formations to adapt and take a point/points out of most games. We have a group of good young players who it appears McInnes is willing to give game time too. Weā€™re one short who can play that killer final ball but as others have said maybe Wright or Forrester will end up being that player. Our biggest issue is the Huns have gambled and won and today will increase the size of their squad further, and Lennon gives no fucks (which could work either way for Hibs). Weā€™ll finish top 4, and letā€™s face it it makes little difference where we end up within that 4 (unless first), if weā€™d finished 3rd last season weā€™d be in the Europa group stage now.
  12. Organised maybe. Playing a team with no height or guile in the final third. A team who squandered a one on one with MacGregor by blasting against the near post at the tightest angle when a simple low pass to the other side would have finished it? A team that played cross after cross to 5ā€™8ā€ forwards which were chicken feed for sevcoā€™s 6ā€™+ back six? They are incredibly jammy cunts, both literally and figuratively. Iā€™m hoping their group is drawn as Chelsea, AC Milan, Leipzig, Sevco bit no doubt itā€™ll be Salzburg, Astana, Malmo.
  13. Ufa get it in the net but ref gives huns a foul because the Ejara lad throws himself to the ground.
  14. Ufa seem to be doing their best to not score though. Take their time to get there then utter garbage in front of goal. Huns playing 6 - 2. Must be about 30 shots 3 on target now... 4 minutes for 2 goals...
  15. If we bring in this lb/lwb and Gauld who can play anywhere in the forward midfield three (if memory serves). I think it will have been an excellent window. We seem to have cover all across the pitch. Assume also that Ball and the possible Gauld will be loans with opportunity to sign at end of season. Add in the young lads, the mix seems good too.
  16. From some Portuguese site re.sapo.pt
  17. Would have been a harsh red. Plus, the precedent was set with Morelos, violent conduct off the ball is a yellow card. Thought we were shite. Should have signed Mallan he was as good breaking up play as he was appearing to play the final ball. Proper midfielder. Gleeson is slow as fuck and looks soft in the challenge. Ferguson and Devlin and Hoban were decent for us.
  18. I already agreed that a large part of a transfer fee is a players current "package" however that is not the one deciding factor. As has been said some will be the package being offered (what is said player worth to the buying team?), some will be future sell on potential, some will be what he is worth in potential prize money to both clubs, and some will be the bargaining position of the selling club. Or are we suggesting that Scott Brown was on Ā£42k per week at hibs in 2007. Or even that John Stones was on Ā£450K per week at Everton?
  19. I know transfer fees are based on wages (to a large extent) but as has been said we are in a strong position re:length of contract. If Goldson is allegedly worth Ā£3 million, a player who a bottom of the table EPL side has already decided is not good enough, and Tavernier is allegedly worth Ā£3 million to a Championship side... The fee's paid by english clubs for center backs is ridiculous, there is no way we should be going to the table for a potential Ā£3 million offer from any league rival, at this time.
  20. This. They'd need to at least get close to what they paid for Edouard + a % of future sell on fee, they'll offer Ā£800k and Christie (or similar). Arrogant, tight Cunts.
  21. Go to FC United instead.
  22. Shite use of language, from BBC Scotland on Twitter, that will only reinforce the sevco followers fantasies. ā€œMcCrorie sent off for a slide tackleā€
  23. Time for the EFA to appeal Beckham swinging his leg at Simeone and have the ā€˜98 World Cup replayed.
  24. Gerrardā€™s Traynorā€™s comments fair have them slavering. Seen one lad on twitter saying we should have had three reds. One for McKenna for nudging that mr tattie heed, one for Dom Ballā€™s violent assault on Windassā€™s shirt, and another for May after Jack fannied out of going for a header against him.
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