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Gretna Relegated

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'scuse me whilst I go get my surprised face out of the back of the closet...




Poetic justice, now next season can it be the mini huns, and season after the Arabs...... come to think of it will settle for that the other way around also ;)

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I was thinking EXACTLY the same! Nae even a spelling mistake between them either!


Couldnt have drunk THAT much. ;)




Here was our breakfast all gone by the time we reached Inverness at 11.59. Plus we had pints in Waverley pre train  :thumbsup:

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Who does everybody want to get promoted then??


I hoped St.Johnstone would come up but it's looking like either Dundee or Hamilton.


I'd have liked St Johnstone to come up too, especially after them just losing out last year.


Nae real preference but probably go for Dundee over Hamilton despite Dens being a dump, as it's easier for me to get to

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