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Out of contract

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With the exception of Considong i don't think losing them all would be a big blow as in the cold light of day i'd say Jack, McGinn, Taylor and Pawlett are all more likely to have an off day than a good one. I'd maybe cut Taylor a bit of slack there but the other three are anonymous most of the time.


Plus, there's a real staleness about the first team squad, time for these guys to move on and for some new meat to come in that we can get stuck into.


I'm in 2 minds with McGinn.

He has arguably been our most valuable player for the last few seasons, top goal scorer in his first and most assists in his 2nd and 3rd (I think) but then he's been flat this season, low on goals, assists and effort. That might be down to the lack of break or he may have given himself ideas above his station when at the WC. Cant be easy seeing Josh Magennis getting a big move (in money terms) when you've played alongside him at both levels and know you're 10 times the player he is.


Taylor is a bomb scare, as is Reynolds. I'd let Taylor go and pump Reynolds so a new defense could be built around O'Connor and Shinnie with Considine as a solid back up.


People slate Jack, I think he's a good player. Doesnt quite fit in with the system we play but then thats down to McInnes rather than Jack.


We need a new defender, a new midfielder, a winger/creative forward and when Maddison goes home we'll need someone for the space behind the striker. The only way to get a good standard in all those positions is to let go of all 4 of the first team regulars or 3 and move at least 1 on that doesnt have his contract running out.

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  • 2 months later...


Huge pinch of salt required me thinks..


If true then cherrio PeePaw.

Don't think he is really going to be automatic pick for us,

So 1st team football and Championship wages equals only one outcome.

That all of course depends on him being good enough for Championship teams and therein lies his potential issue.

Personally would prefer to keep him as a squad player

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Burton and Bolton I could probably buy into believing. Really can't see QPR being interested, though if true he will certainly be offski, he will minimum quadruple his wages going there.


He is certainly only ever going to be an impact sub/ injury cover player for us, I'd be happy enough resigning him on that basis but if he can get a significant payrise somewhere else then I'd be absolutely comfortable about that, thank him for his service and trust Deek to find someone at least as good to replace him

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Whatever Pawletts got weve never managed to tease it out of him like St J did.How many times did we see him making great runs into the box,but nobody alert enough,or on the same wavelength to take advantage.I mind him linking up with Sone Aluko against St J(Craig brown era I think),ripping them apart,but they rarely played together afterwards for reasons unknown,maybe too exciting for we Craig

    Reluctant to let him go,happy for him to stay in the squad(if he is),but if he wants to move......


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Can't say I'd be devastated in Pee Paw leaves. He's been good the past few games, but largely anonymous for quite some time now.


Outside of the pre-Park Red run he's never re-found the unplayable form he had when McIness first played him. His final ball now always seems to be throwing himself down, or looking for the free kick, rather than a cross or shot.


That said, when he starts, despite being largely anonymous, he does find the net quite regularly.


Whether he'd be happy to stay here and continue to be an impact sub, as mentioned in another thread, I don't know. He's getting on a bit now in football terms.


I'm not Jacks biggest fan and I don't think we play in a way to get the best out of him anymore (similarly to Pee Paw).


I'd actually quite like to see what happens if Jack goes. Ever since he first signed and took in Robson and Flood, McIness has largely left the defensive side of CM untouched. It'll be interesting to see who he signs outside of an attacking Mid!! If it's another in Shinnie's ilk we'd be alright :)

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