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Eoin Jess wants to be Aberdeen FC manager


By Charlie Allan  :wave:

Published: 21/05/2012


ABERDEEN FC legend Eoin Jess today admitted he is determined to prove he can hack it as a manager at the highest level.


Jess confessed that eventually taking over as boss of Aberdeen FC “would be a dream”.


And he has taken a brave step in pursuit of that dream by walking away from the secure job he had as a youth coach with Nottingham Forest.

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I would want to see Jess build a managerial career before offering him the job.  Seen too many dons legends fall by the wayside in recent times and its painful to see crowds turn on legends


I like Jess enough to hope he never has the misfortune of coming to the managerial graveyard that is Pittodrie.

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I would want to see Jess build a managerial career before offering him the job.  Seen too many dons legends fall by the wayside in recent times and its painful to see crowds turn on legends


McGhee was an experienced manager when we appointed him. He was shite.


No reason why Jess shouldn't be considered in a year or two if he joins as assistant now.

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We wouldn't even be discussing this as a possibility if he had never played for us. Let him go and learn the ropes elsewhere, if he does well, consider him then but only because he's good at his job and not just because he once played for us.


Another thing to consider though... if he was hacked off with the board's lack of ambition in his final days here as a player, what on earth is he going to think of them now should he ever become manager?

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