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Hart to Celtic for 450k

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Someone's saying on StandFree that Hart could be on his way to the jungle jims for 450k in the summer.


Everyone's thoughts?


Personally I'd like to see him stay, but if J.C. got half of that sum he could bring in Mair, Kurrant, McNamara and use the cash on a decent winger for the left hand side.


Be pretty gutting to see him playing for those bastards next season though.

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Cannae see it myself, unless Celtic offer him silly-money. He's a Dandy through and through, and jumped at the chance to come back to us from Lavvy. Be a big loss to us, but as has been said JC would find six Michael Harts for £450k.


In this day and age, it's probably a fair valuation of Hart too!

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Hart is streets ahead of Wilson, and would be cheaper too!


Still, I'd rather we kept our talented players rather than selling them off. Although every player has his price and 450k may be too much of a temptation, especially with Wiggy looking to cut the debt in any way he can.

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Celtic already have Wilson who they payed 500,000 for from Utd. Can't see this being true,hope not anyway.


They also have Doumbe, who has been very impressive for them in the last couple of matches and has been a stand out for their reserves. Reckon it'll be between him and Wilson for their right back position next season, can't see Hart going anywhere. Thankfully.

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We're going to accept 450k for one of our best players from a club that's willing to shell out ten times that for Scott Brown?


Celtic can get on their bike. Wouldn't accept less than 1mil for Hart, and that's being generous to them.  Although you can be sure he'd get a lot nearer to the Scotland squad at Celtic than he does at the minute.

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Guest innesciver

I heard this morning that Celtic were thinking about about hi-jacking the Huns potential bid for Steven Whittaker.  May just be paper talk.  Be hilarious if they did tho.  Huns would be even more p***ed off and Hibs would be even more fecked!

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Hart is the type of player that we need to keep at Aberdeen, a solid player who puts in a decent shift week in and week out and knows the score in that defence. Sure we could get a few Michael Hartesque players for £450k, but do you think JC is the man that could find them?


I wouldn't want Aberdeen to become a 'selling' club like Hibs, especially to the OF all the time!

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I hope not. He'd be a big loss.


But JC appears to bringing in those 3 without the £450k anyway.


Aye, I phrased my post badly. Be interesting to see if some of the cash could be used for this Ferrie bloke as well if he's up to the hype.


I don't think the club wants to spend money on him.

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I hope not. He'd be a big loss.


But JC appears to bringing in those 3 without the £450k anyway.


Aye, I phrased my post badly. Be interesting to see if some of the cash could be used for this Ferrie bloke as well if he's up to the hype.


I don't think the club wants to spend money on him.


Course, cos of the lying agent thing, I forgot about that.


Still need a player in that vein though, would be nice to see a bit of cash thrown into the kitty I suppose.

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