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Cup: Aberdeen v Kilmarnock

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Big, big game. 

I wouldn't put it past us to win because this season has the Skovdahl 99/00 feel to it. Awful in the league but we'll keep making it to Hampden.

However, I can see us pinging long balls* at their defence, again, and Killie sitting deep, mopping everything up, and having enough firepower to hit us on the break.

*and not Jimmy Thelin style long ball, but Warnock's 'lump it and run after it' style.

I'm not even sure us winning would work out well for us, because we'll get Hearts in the semi, they'll outsell us two to one due to the apathy among the Dons support which the Jambos will get far too excited about, and on current form they'll probably do to us at Hampden what they usually do to Hibs. 


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No clue what to expect, formation, personnel, performance etc. but say we win 3-2, miovski 2 and clarkson.

On another more important note, given the minimal interest and comments these days, noticed today that shinnie and Charlie mulgrew are members of Snow Patrol. I never knew that.


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A win in this would - even if only temporarily - stop the revisionism over Derek McInnes.

And I accept the BBC are part of that with a big article on it today.

I can't be arsed with any more McInnes or Robinson or Lennon nonsense. No, no, and never.

Neil Warnock winning the cup, landing us group stage football at the expense of Hearts, and then retiring would leave me doubting everything I ever thought I knew about life, but I'll take it.

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7 hours ago, Panda said:

A win in this would - even if only temporarily - stop the revisionism over Derek McInnes.

And I accept the BBC are part of that with a big article on it today.

I can't be arsed with any more McInnes or Robinson or Lennon nonsense. No, no, and never.

Neil Warnock winning the cup, landing us group stage football at the expense of Hearts, and then retiring would leave me doubting everything I ever thought I knew about life, but I'll take it.

It's three years since he was punted and they're playing us on the same day, so it's fair game for a story. If Warnock wins the cup, Cormack will give him an eight year deal. Which might be enough time to get us out of the championship.


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Good effort from the team, hard working battling performance. Saying that, from what I saw, we played through midfield a lot more and possession was better. Certainly less hopeful/hopeless long ball.

4 at the back. Let’s stick with it and build upon this formation. Macdonald solid at the back , won everything in the air, and while Mackenzie is prone to the odd mistake, rash tackle etc, he played well bombing down the left. Linked well with hoilett who was creative and had a good game. Not convinced by gartenmann and I think devlin is lacking confidence, doesn’t totally look like the excellent signing from the autumn.

people here have criticized Phillips for his lack of ability but the boy works his bollocks off. A Rama type who definitely helps our midfield. Shinnie was Shinnie, played well and a lovely goal.

McGrath is a good player, played well and needs to be given the #10 roaming free role. Played on the right but he’s more of a central player but since we don’t have a right mid it is what it is at present. At present the 5 in midfield, McGrath and hoilett outside and shinnie Barron and Phillips is our best midfield.

bojan worked his balls off but didn’t get much, but does a shift.

good performance but it’s ‘only’ the cup. We need league wins.

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Good performance. The midfield three were excellent, and won us the game. They won everything and were first to every ball. MacDonald strong at the back. Warnock finally gets it right and the players perform for him and he leaves! I'm wondering if they knew. 

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5 hours ago, OxfordDon said:

Just watching the pre-match interviews, why does Warnock never say "we" when he talks about Aberdeen?  Always "they" - doesnt exactly smack of togetherness and cohesion.

Well, guess I got my answer.  Wonder when the decision was made.

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17 minutes ago, OxfordDon said:

Well, guess I got my answer.  Wonder when the decision was made.

He seemed to say “we” when he talked about the team but “they” was used for cormack and burrows. With context it kinda made sense.

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41 minutes ago, OxfordDon said:

Well, guess I got my answer.  Wonder when the decision was made.

Told the players and staff yesterday apparently.

Was asked if the club tried to make him stay and he said no.

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