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Friday 14th June 2024

Euro 2024 - šŸ‡©šŸ‡Ŗ Germany v šŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁓ó æ Scotland - kick-off 8pm

wee toon red

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About wee toon red

  • Birthday 25/08/1980

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  1. Six ex Dons, including two who came through our youth system.
  2. Already relegated and a midweek trip up to Aberdeen? Well done to them for taking any fans whatsoever.
  3. Unreal again tonight. 2-0 down with less than five minutes of normal time left and won 3-2, with an absolute worldie of a winner 8+ mins into stoppage time. https://x.com/AberdeenFC/status/1790123950636167252
  4. From what you read about Thelin's style of play, then if he's going to implement it here he'll need players with discipline and energy. Particularly from the midfield forward. So you'd imagine any of our squad who possess those traits will thrive, those with one of the two will probably hang around a while and any who have neither won't last long.
  5. I see former St Johnstone defender Shaun Rooney is leaving Fleetwood on a free... maybe not much of a step-up from Devlin but I'd have taken him when he left Saints two years ago.
  6. Actually think Foster was a bit pro-Dons in his co-commentary to be honest. Also thought that under the bollocks "handball" rules these days it was a stonewall penalty. The blatant on one of our players that wasn't given up the other end which resulted in the Huns getting possession and ultimately the penalty was, however, an absolute joke.
  7. What are we going to say to CAS? "Please sir, this is unfair. We want 50% of the tickets even though we can't sell them all"? We'd rightly be laughed out of the place. A fairer mechanism for selling, ie section by section up to a deadline and if not sold out the other team get them, is the ideal but to suggest we go greetin to CAS about it is fanciful. If "we" as a club want to make a point then it should start with being able to show demand is there in the first place, which it demonstably isn't. The SFA aren't going to have seats that could've been sold lying empty if they can possibly help it and it's very difficult to blame them for that.
  8. The news must be right if weā€™re getting pronunciation lessons! Hopefully the media style guides will be equally well informed
  9. When you didn't have enough competent refs to run the games up here pre-VAR then it stands to reason that needing more of them to use this system just results in more incompetent people being involved. A joke. Surely the only appropriate way this shouldā€™ve been handled was ā€œsorry ref, the system is down so go with your on-field callā€? That fact that it wasnā€™t just beggars belief.
  10. https://www.afc.co.uk/2024/04/10/club-statement-video-assistant-referees/ If what the club are saying here is true - that the tech failed but the VAR got involved to overturn an on-field decision using guesswork - then the system and its implementation in Scotland at least is done. There canā€™t be any coming back from that.
  11. Bringing this back from the deadā€¦ Found myself at QOS v Kelty this afternoon so paid close attention to our boy Alfie. First impression: we donā€™t need to worry about him being physically ready, heā€™s a well-built lad for someone who doesnā€™t turn 18 until next week. Played on the right side of Keltyā€™s attack which limited the number of clear cut chances he got but he was always keen to take possession and have a go at his man. He had a couple of half chances on the angle but didnā€™t trouble the keeper, which Iā€™m sure heā€™d have liked to have done. It looked like he was an integral part of Keltyā€™s team and was fully involved in the celebrations of their goals and at full time so he really seems to have embraced the move and all that comes with it. Whether heā€™s ready for top flight football (he said confidently) next season is hard to say based on 90 minutes but itā€™ll be a good decision for the new manager to have to make. Pretty sure that hanging about our struggling team looking for minutes here and there this year wouldnā€™t have done him much good so thumbs up to all concerned with the move.
  12. Everyone's entitled to make their decisions as they see fit. I'm not going either because I've got another big event on that weekend that's been booked since December. However, I think this is evidence that we don't have the fanbase that we - as in the wider suppport - like to think we have. Fewer than half the number of fans that turned out on Saturday for a league game going to a semi final is poor, whatever the reasons may be, and is all the "justification" anyone needs to deny us half the stadium next time we want it. It also proves the club were correct not to do a Hearts and buy all the tickets up front.
  13. It's an undeniably poor turnout from us and seriously harms our case for a 50/50 split ever again. "We're crap. Celtic always beat us. We don't have a manager. I hate Cormack. It's too far". All just excuses - none of which applied when we took 40,000 to Parkhead because the glory hunters in our support expected us to win and didn't want to miss it - which will be seized upon for our next semi final or even the final if we get there. I'll add this though: the club could maybe be doing a bit more to push it. There's no direct link to the tickets on the website home page and when you do manage to navigate your way to the tickets section of the site, it isn't even the top option.
  14. Jimmy Stuart Baxter Thelin II
  15. The most Hibs thing ever. Love how it hits the first grounded guy again on its way back
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