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Doncaster instant u-turn on sectarianism & offensive chanting

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THE SPFL have this afternoon revealed they are ready to draw up a new rulebook that drives bigots out of football.  League chiefs have come under fire for not doing more to stop the sectarian scourge that has flared up again in our game.


Neil Doncaster yesterday released a statement that in effect admitted Hampden chiefs are almost powerless in the fight against bigotry.  SPFL rules state they can only take action against a club if it has been found they could have done more to stop the singing.  UEFA, meanwhile, can and have imposed a wide raft of sanctions such as fines and docked points.


But the SPFL today released a statement that revealed they WILL look into ripping it up on a week tomorrow.


A statement read: "An SPFL board meeting was convened by conference call this morning to discuss recent supporter misconduct at several matches.


"The strong view of the SPFL board is that such behaviour has no place in Scottish football.


"These events and the current regulations in this area will be reviewed and discussed in detail when the board meets in person at Hampden in March."

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Fucking mega yawn......


The incompetents running our national game are never going to take the action that everyone knows needs to be taken.


Thing is Al where do they stop when talking about offensive chanting. In our modern society you find that somebody somewhere will find something offensive. I remember the press labelling us sick for chanting about Hearts being paedophiles following on from Rix and Craig Thomson incident. You can bet it is this sort of thing that will see us or one of the other non bigot clubs being punished rather than either of the arse cheeks.


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Thing is Al where do they stop when talking about offensive chanting. In our modern society you find that somebody somewhere will find something offensive. I remember the press labelling us sick for chanting about Hearts being paedophiles following on from Rix and Craig Thomson incident. You can bet it is this sort of thing that will see us or one of the other non bigot clubs being punished rather than either of the arse cheeks.


Know exactly what you mean about one of the non bigoted clubs being the ones that will be punished. My point is that we all know who the main culprits are, and it isn't as if the evidence isn't stacking up against them week after week.

Powers that be need to grow a set and set a precedent by punishing the clubs where it hurts. If the lesson isn't learnt, then punish them again and again until the penny finally drops that religiously bigoted songs about events from centuries ago have no place in the 21st century.

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