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Lee Miller

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Was at the game last night and wanted to say that I thought Lee Miller looked really good last night.


Hardly lost a header all night - just needed some runners off him to pick up the head flicks.


Does not look all that confident in front of goal - should have scored at least once.


Really put himself about and despite his lack of goals, really proved his worth.





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Was at the game last night and wanted to say that I thought Lee Miller looked really good last night.


Hardly lost a header all night - just needed some runners off him to pick up the head flicks.


Does not look all that confident in front of goal - should have scored at least once.


Really put himself about and despite his lack of goals, really proved his worth.






My thoughts are that you are tripping out your eyeball.


He was nothing short of fucking atrocious. My mate even said to me that he's one of the poorest players he's ever seen in a Dons top, and it's hard not to argue that. Miller is powderpuff. He's a cheat as well and should have been booked for a dive.


Doesn't deserve to playing for us, he's just not interested.

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Disagree Bobby Biscuit - Thought that he led the line well, and really put a lot into the game. I agree that he should have been booked and that I have seen him many times go down looking for a penalty rather softly.


I did, however, think that De Visscher was awful and so far off the pace it was untrue.


I hope that it is just that De Visscher is still unfit, and not just crap. Surely by now he should be finding a bit of fitness.


He could do with losing a stone or two....  :-[


It's all about opinions....

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Disagree Bobby Biscuit - Thought that he led the line well, and really put a lot into the game. I agree that he should have been booked and that I have seen him many times go down looking for a penalty rather softly.


I did, however, think that De Visscher was awful and so far off the pace it was untrue.


I hope that it is just that De Visscher is still unfit, and not just crap. Surely by now he should be finding a bit of fitness.


He could do with losing a stone or two....  :-[


It's all about opinions....


All about opinions, fair enough, but look at the reaction of the crowd towards him last night. Exasperation just about covers it. He struggled badly against a lower league side.

The ball Hart put in for him was fantastic, he couldnt even be arsed to move for it. Apparently even the commentators on the radio said that the most productive thing he did all night was win a tackle. Not what you're looking for from your striker is it?


although, to top it all off, he was beaten in the air by professional midget footballer Stevie Murray. The guy is chronic, as his goalscoring record shows.  He has all the threat of a nun on a unicycle.

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Have to agree with BB thought Miller was gash last night. When he won the ball in the air he just let it bounce off his head rather than direct it. His passing was awful and most found Thistle palyers rather than his own and the chance he missed was unbelievable. Only positive was that he did track back quite a bit and won a couple of tackles on our own box however thats not what he is getting paid for. We really need to find some mugs to take this overpaid haddie off our hands soon.

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Thing is, we know he's capable of scoring goals ... and good ones at that! He's had decent scoring runs for both Falkirk and Hearts. But for Bristol and us he is completely gash. Punt him. Make room for someone who is actually going to put in a bit of effort (no, I'm not talking about Derek Young!)

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Thing is, we know he's capable of scoring goals ... and good ones at that! He's had decent scoring runs for both Falkirk and Hearts. But for Bristol and us he is completely gash. Punt him. Make room for someone who is actually going to put in a bit of effort (no, I'm not talking about Derek Young!)


Aye, but WHO?


We've no money to bring anyone in, not even tuppence ha'penny.... so we'd have to identify someone that was free and who NO-ONE ELSE wanted. 


Now, when you're looking at players who are free and no-one else wants you're not going to get any better than Miller, Lovell, Brewster, Crawford or Young.


If a player has a fee attached we won't get him.


If anyone else wants a player we want they'll beat us for wages, and I include clubs like Falkirk and Gretna (sad but true)


So what are we left with?


Players of the standard I mentioned.


So what point punting Miller?




We also have an absolutely terrible youth system, so I wouldn't count on bringing anyone through from the youth squad/reserves.

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When exactly did it all go wrong with the Youth set-up?


Kelt is spot on in saying that it is poor - when did we last bring through 2 or 3 players in the same year that is of a reasonable standard?


Where are the likes of Jess and Anderson etc


Hibs and Motherwell, to mention only two, have brought through some players of note in the past few years and in Hibs especially, have made them a lot of money.


Can someone more in the know than me give me a clue as to why the system has fallen apart so drastically?



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Lee miller is hilarious to watch-can barely win a header, falls on his arse all the time and is probably the laziest man i've seen in a red shirt in god knows how long. As for stavrum, he was often offside and a lazy swine, but he still banged in a lot of goals and had a lot of assists haven't seen much hope for either of those points from miller. Yet again our strikers didn't score today. Thankfully our defence and midfiled are pitching in a fair bit this season so far.

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Once again yesterday Miller did nothing to ingratiate himself to the crowd. His 'performace made DY look good.....


He was tracking back but in the 2nd half wasn't even trying to get into attacking positions. At one point Mackie had reached the 18 yard line and was looking for support - Miller was still in our half!

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Guest Elgin Red

Miler has no pace for going past defenders and rarely gets a header when we are playing decent teams other than Partick ..... His first touch aint that bad and he seems to see a pass when given time on the ball  ??? Hate to ask , but does anyone else think he may be better playing off a front two. Wi speed Lovell and McGuire or Smith can run the channels looking for the through balls. If not , then I do not see how he can fit in and improve our team.

We don't exactly have a quick thinking midfield who see the proving through ball even if there was someone with control that could run onto it.  ps I said control so that rules Mackie out.

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