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Scott Dobie

Guest innesciver

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Guest innesciver

Will apparently give a decision today regarding the contract he has been offerred.  6 caps for Scotland during Vogts reign.  Does this count for anything???

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Dobie has only manage 6 goals in the last three seasons and only managed 50 matches in that time. We should not be touching this guy.

Maybe sign him to give Lee Miller a boost showing there is a forward in the UK with as bad a scoring record as him?

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We should not be touching this guy.


Absolutely agree.


As far as I recall, he has that beguiling combination of dodgy pedigree, dubious ability and crippling injury proneness that has marked out a number of Calderwood signings.


Caps under Vogts mean nothing. Even I got one.

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JC is in Evening Express saying he does not expect to sign anyone now as he cannot move anyone on.


bad news. although surely the fact that brew has gone must mean there are a few farthings rattling around the biscuit tin?


and why haven't we been working all summer to get that imbecile langfield out the door?



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He's our best keeper, that's why. He'll soon be back between the sticks once soutar lets in a few more.


Thing is, Soutar's not really made any howlers on the scale of dropping the ball on his defender's head, missing a back pass etc etc to warrant being dropped. Most of the goals we've let in have come from Considine doing something stupid in a totally inappropriate area of the pitch.


Anyway, i don't want to see that cunt Langfield back in our team. He wants to play for r*ng*rs. Fuck him.

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Give him a wide berth IMHO.


In the week we lose our most dangerous 40 year old striker, I can't believe we're even considering moving on Steve Lovell for this guy. Lovell hasn't really been given half a chance to show what he can do. We could have Van Nistelrooy, Rooney or Drogba up front for us but if you fail to give them any decent service, even they'd struggle.


If we punt long hopeful high balls from defence to Lovell he'll struggle but if we get past the last defenders to play in dangerous crosses or if we're smart enough to play the ball in behind on the deck into his path, he'll show what an instinctive striker he can be.


Lovell deserves an extended run alongside Miller.


Don't get me started on Mr Mackie!

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Unfortunately we have to expect these players to be professionals.  I agree MT but he is better than Soutar IMHO and thus until we sugn a suitable replacement, he needs to play here.


I Disagree.  I don't care how good he is or if he's better than Soutar.  If he does not want to play for the club, then I'd never give him a game again.  Infact, I'd rather give the U14's keeper a game than Someone who does not want to play for the club.

If (?) the disagreement with JC was Clangers saying he wanted to leave and play for Rangers, then f*ck him.....get Kelly on the bench as a back up keeper.  And that goes for anyone else at the club who doesn't want to play for Aberdeen.  :wave:


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