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Jackie Manamana

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Glad to see we're back on the ball with signing QUALITY players, instead of these second-division journeymen we were signing a few seasons ago.


Always liked McNamara. I thought that, in his prime, he was the best Scottish talent behind Jess. Still reckon he's got what it takes to perform well and consistently for us. In my view, he's MORE than adequate a replacement for our outgoing players.

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Saw elsewhere... don't make me name it though ::) that there is an article pasted from The Times that as good as says this is a done deal for McNamara. Reasonably happy about this if its true, although he seems to have bene around for an eternity he is 32, and certainly has a decent pedigree, and back in the international frame.

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Had a quick look online and found this in todays Glasgow Herald


May 11 2007

Aberdeen are close to signing the former Celtic captain Jackie McNamara.


Jimmy Calderwood tried to play down the link yesterday but The Herald understands that negotiations are at an advanced stage. The Pittodrie manager also refused to deny he plans to move for Michael Stewart, released by Hibernian, insisting he was too focused on Saturday's visit to Parkhead to discuss transfer business.


McNamara, at 33 now in the veteran stage of his career, will leave Wolves in the summer and has been linked with Hibs and Dundee United. Aberdeen considered moving for him last January but decided instead to wait until he was available on a free transfer. The former Celtic player would, however, have to agree to a cut in wages.



"We are discussing several options and are close to sorting one of them out," Calderwood confirmed, "but I will talk about a deal only once it has been done. Transfer targets are for another day."


Lack of cash could also prove problematic should Stewart, ushered out of Easter Road, be a target for a club currently around £13m in debt.


Meanwhile, Calderwood is aware only a victory at Celtic Park will help pave the way to a third place finish in the Bank of Scotland Premierleague as Hearts continue to breathe down Aberdeen's neck in the battle for European football next season.


"They have set high standards this season," he added, "and they know they will have to get back to them, although hopefully it might take them another week. In a way it is understandable but there are a lot of good professionals there and they have a tough Scottish Cup final coming up so they will be looking to lift themselves prior to that."




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Is MacNamara still a full back? if so at 32 does he still have enough pace to be effective?  Are we going to get round to looking for some midfielders at some point rather than strrengthening where we are already strongest nd have signed Mair for the defence.


I think on papaer it is a good signing but don't know where in the team he will fit in and think his wage could be better used elsewhere.

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McNamara can play in midfield too, he often played a holding role for celtic. I wouldn't be too unhappy if this was his role for us, could release Severin a bit and allow Nicholson to play on the right where he's far more effective.  However, if Anderson leaves, he may well be deployed as a sweeper, or a right back, with Hart moving to centre half (his best position in my opinion).


I really hope he signs, he's a cracking player McNamara and the sort of guy you can rely on. Extremely consistent and very professional, a good role model for our younger players.  And that could be vital if Anderson leaves.

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I would be pleased if we signed him, although I do hope that it is so we can move Hart beside Anderson and make a tight defence even tighter. It is a very shrewd signing, especially if he is able to play a holding role.


You would be better off moving McNamara into the centre alongside Anderson. He can play there comfortably and effectively. Might not be a bad shout for going to a back 3 with McNamara Anderson + Considine/Diamond/Mair/Touzani (who?)


Although Caldergob has been in the papers today saying this is total rubbish!

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Am I the only one not overly excited about one of our main transfer targets being a 33 yr old whose best position is right back. What will we get, one or two seasons max?


Nope. You're not the only one. If we hadn't signed Mair, i might be more enthused by this. But when we're constantly being told how little money there is to spend, is yet another defender/defensively minded player really what we should be looking for?

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Am I the only one not overly excited about one of our main transfer targets being a 33 yr old whose best position is right back. What will we get, one or two seasons max?


Nope. You're not the only one. If we hadn't signed Mair, i might be more enthused by this. But when we're constantly being told how little money there is to spend, is yet another defender/defensively minded player really what we should be looking for?


Sadly we are shopping in the Poundstrechers of the transfer market!

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If Manamana is what's available in pound stretcher, then perhaps we should shop there more often.


If it's a season or two we are expecting out of him, then I'll be happy. We only got a season and a half out of Peter Kjaer, but WOW what an asset he was to us in those couple of seasons! As BobbyBiscuit says, Manamana is a seasoned pro, and a mobile one at that too! He may not be able to keep up with our defence, but he can certainly still do a more than adequate job against most the SPL's strikers ... with probably only the likes of Naesmith being the sort of player who may cause him any sort of pace-problems.

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He's far from being a bad player, and normally, i'd be more than happy about us being after him. I'd certainly take him over Lee Mair. I'm just baffled why Jimmy keeps going on about these two wingers/creative players being all we can afford in the close season, then going after a second defensive utility player.

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If Manamana is what's available in pound stretcher, then perhaps we should shop there more often.


If it's a season or two we are expecting out of him, then I'll be happy. We only got a season and a half out of Peter Kjaer, but WOW what an asset he was to us in those couple of seasons! As BobbyBiscuit says, Manamana is a seasoned pro, and a mobile one at that too! He may not be able to keep up with our defence, but he can certainly still do a more than adequate job against most the SPL's strikers ... with probably only the likes of Naesmith being the sort of player who may cause him any sort of pace-problems.


I hear what you are saying Reekie, maybe I didnt word that the best! I was just stating (or trying to say) to the poster above that we have feck all financial resources and we cant look a decent gifthorse in the mouth.


I happen to think that McNamara would do more than a decent job and I would like to see him in red as he will be an asset.

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Guest At The Border Guy

Edinburgh Metro has said he'll decide after the play-offs are over.  Could hear as early as Thursday morning then.

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