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Anderson moving permanently to Plymouth ?

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Is it just me or can anyone else see Anderson back at the Dandies in the future? 

Plymouth's a tad further away from the granite city than Sunderland and I cannae imagine it'll go down to well with the wife who apparently didn't want to be too far from Aberdeen in the first place.

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Average player that looked good in a shit side in a very poor league now that he has went to the championship via the premiership he looks out of depth going by some of the comments, passing poor and so on, would still love him to come back though especially with Zander playing really well now.

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Average player that looked good in a shit side in a very poor league now that he has went to the championship via the premiership he looks out of depth going by some of the comments, passing poor and so on, would still love him to come back though especially with Zander playing really well now.


That must be the first time I've ever agreed with minijc!  :o :o :o :o

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Average player that looked good in a shit side in a very poor league now that he has went to the championship via the premiership he looks out of depth going by some of the comments, passing poor and so on, would still love him to come back though especially with Zander playing really well now.


Totally agree. I think we needed him badly this season, but who's to say Zander would have made the strides forward in performance with him here? Either way, would like to have him back.

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Something I noticed last season was that Aberdeen had a lull in play and results for about a month or so in early winter. It happened to coincide with when Anderson was feeling ill and not playing to his usual standard.


This season without him the defence has got alot worse. Don't get me wrong, Diamond has been playing well, however looking at the likes of the semi against QoS, it was clear that the defence was the biggest weakness, if Anderson had been playing i'm sure the result would have been different.


Would love to see him back up here, but I doubt it'l be anytime soon.

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Average player that looked good in a shit side in a very poor league now that he has went to the championship via the premiership he looks out of depth going by some of the comments, passing poor and so on, would still love him to come back though especially with Zander playing really well now.


Pish! A good player IMO. No way is he out of his depth in the Championship. He's come back from a long term injury and is playing a long distance from his family. Plymouth will see his worth if they keep him next season.

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Yes, Russell will love it for the reason that he is seeing regular first-team football (he's not seen that since leaving Pittodrie). But I doubt his missus is going to settle there easily. She's an Aberdeen lass through and through, and I'm quite surprised she's survived this long so far. Perhaps Sunderland ain't that far away from Scotland has something to do with it. But Plymouth??? And seeing that cunt Chris Clark again??? He alone will drive the Andersons back north of the border.


And if he comes back over the border, there's only one club he will ever sign for.

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When did that happen? ???


Thought he's still a bit of a scare, he is much improved on the previous two seasons. To the point that many would see him as a future captain. I'm not saying he's all that yet, far from it, but I am happy enough to admit he's made progress this season.

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Pish! A good player IMO. No way is he out of his depth in the Championship. He's come back from a long term injury and is playing a long distance from his family. Plymouth will see his worth if they keep him next season.



Agreed. He excelled for us under JC and has been underrated for a long time because he didnt play for the gruesome twosome. There's eejits on the PA forum saying he shouldn't be a first choice center back for them but I think he has the quality to be first choice for Sunderland in the premiership.

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I mind when his leg got crocked and he was out for a good season. It took Anderson a LONG time to return to full fitness. But once he was up to full fitness he was pretty damn immense for us.


I think Plymouth fans will be pleasantly surprised by how much Anderson improves once he's got a run of games under his belt. Although part of me hopes that he doesn't improve, so that we can take him back here on a free

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Guest Caroline B

There seems to be a lot of clutching at straws going on here. It's true that Russell would be welcome back and it's maybe true that his wife misses Aberdeen, but she married a footballer and knew the possibility was strong that they'd end up elsewhere considering that he had a clause in his contract that said that if a crack at the premiership came up then he'd be allowed to go. I think that Russell and his wife would have discussed this before it was put into his contract with AFC.


Therefore can anyone really see him giving up that easy on his premier dream? I suspect that unless Roy Keane tells him he is surplus to requierments, he'll end up back at Sunderland. If he is deemed surplus, Plymouth fancy taking him, Sturrock has said as much. We have no chance of matching his wages that will surely be on offer.


We can keep clutching at said straws, but he'd be silly to come back here for less money. Good luck to him whatever happens. He may end up back here sometime in the future, but not now.

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