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Liam Miller


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Wisnae sure far tae post this, but I've jus bin reading that Liam miller's been telt tae leave Sunderland




Ah ken he's probably oot o our league in the wage department, but he's exactly the sort of player that'd be great for us.  He surely cannae be on that much ££££ at Sunderland, or's it safe tae assume he'll stay lower league in England?

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Wisnae sure far tae post this, but I've jus bin reading that Liam miller's been telt tae leave Sunderland




Ah ken he's probably oot o our league in the wage department, but he's exactly the sort of player that'd be great for us.  He surely cannae be on that much ££££ at Sunderland, or's it safe tae assume he'll stay lower league in England?


Beattie has been told the same at West Brom.


Here we fucking go.  ::)

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Beattie has been told the same at West Brom.


Here we fucking go.  ::)


Calm doon min, it wiz jus a suggestion.


I dinnae rate Beattie at all, but Miller's a cracking player on his day and would be great for Aberdeen.  I really doubt we'd get him but surely it'd be worth contacting Sunderland?

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Keane only signed him cos he was irish  ;) But as I mentioned in another thread. Don't want him with us. When he was at man utd he was shite, shite again at leeds, and clearly shite at sunderland. So no thanks. We don't need another prima dona or prima donner, however you so choose to take it.

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Keane only signed him cos he was irish  ;) But as I mentioned in another thread. Don't want him with us. When he was at man utd he was shite, shite again at leeds, and clearly shite at sunderland. So no thanks. We don't need another prima dona or prima donner, however you so choose to take it.


He wiz good at Celtic and good at Leeds.  He should niver have went tae Man United when he did, he wiznae ready.  I'd like tae see him play for us, although it winnae happen

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Maybe i'm biased, as I dislike leeds utd greatly, but i'm not disagreeing he was good at Celtic. But I just don't think he's what we want. He'll think he's bigger than us.


Evidently, so too was Russell Anderson.  Would you have him?


Touche ;) Russel Anderson has only played one and a bit games for sunderland, and subsequently injured for a long time. I just don't like Liam Miller.

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Wisnae sure far tae post this, but I've jus bin reading that Liam miller's been telt tae leave Sunderland




Ah ken he's probably oot o our league in the wage department, but he's exactly the sort of player that'd be great for us.  He surely cannae be on that much ££££ at Sunderland, or's it safe tae assume he'll stay lower league in England?


Probably 10 times what we could offer.  


He's available as an 'emergency' loan player.  Somebody call the cops quick, I'd love to have him at Pittodrie for the rest of the season.




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Based upon what exactly?


Ah think he'd be good for us based on fit av seen o' him.  Think he'd thrive at a team like us.  Good fitba brain, comfortable on the ba, good engine, eye for goal.


You don't have to agree min

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The guy started at the tims and went to Man Utd and now been to a couple other clubs, there is no way in hell we could afford to sign him so its just another unrealistic target.


Stephen Hughes?  Fair enough he only went tae Leicester but ye ken fit ah mean

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