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Alluded to in other posts, but I feel he was badly at fault for the 1st 2 Bayern goals last night, you cant hope to stop a piledriver with one flailing hand. I think the guy is a decent shot stopper but overall aint good enough to be our number 1, I'd have him as number 2 next year and go all out in the summer to secure a better class of keeper.

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Alluded to in other posts, but I feel he was badly at fault for the 1st 2 Bayern goals last night, you cant hope to stop a piledriver with one flailing hand. I think the guy is a decent shot stopper but overall aint good enough to be our number 1, I'd have him as number 2 next year and go all out in the summer to secure a better class of keeper.


I hear Ryan Esson is looking for a club and he's a good guy to have around the place...


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One of my friends last night was trying to say that Esson was a better keeper than Langfield. That I do not believe whatsoever, particularly if he couldn't get a game for Shrewsbury.


I also do not think Langfield is the reason we lost 5-1. They would've scored 5 goals anyway as they are a better team. I would rather we got a good defence sorted out as it would be more likely to stop regular thrashings like that.

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Fuck defence. Solid holding midfielder. Attack attack attack. :penalty:


Been saying this for the past few weeks, especially after last nights game, we need a solid holding midfielder. Step up Ferre Bodde again. This again comes down to the board not showing ambition or even the foresight of an inverstment for the future. He's having a cracking season at Swansea and would have been 50k well spent. Would have been very little in the long term.

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