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WYOWYN hit in the face with a guitar case edition.

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No thank you!



I know a certain poster that will be in his element with her.


Wont mention name tho



That be auld buc .

Absolutely she's got big boobs that's a great start the bigger the better even down to the knees I know I know something not right .


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I absolutely abhor violence against women, using a guitar case is a new one on me I have to admit.


That said, If he had inserted said guitar case down her throat to prevent her caterwauling I would consider it apublic service as opposed to gratuitous violence.


I'd also rather hump the guitar case



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What does she do for a living now anyone know. :dunno:


Is it Michelle McManus (with emphasis on the anus)? If so, I heard her on radio Scotland th'ither wik. Just happened to turn it on and despite the pish music, I wasn't totally offended by her presenting so that's an achievement (nae for her obviously, who widnae gie a fuck).

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