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Tremendous sport, even better live.

I've been to two games in Miami and one London NFL game.  Even though the matches tend to last around 3 hours, they seem to fly by when you're watching in person.


The best of the Yank sports by some distance IMHO.



I watched the Knicks play the Mavericks at MSG and thoroughly enjoyed that. Can't see NFL being more enjoyable IMO TBH my opinion to be honest. Although Dandy_Don will probably say that Hockey is the best. Guess it's all doon to opinion.


Was it the Sun Life stadium in Miami? Some place like although a wee bit oot in the sticks.

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I love watching the NFL, gives me something to do all day Sunday at last! 3 games on TV yay! :thumbsup:


Only been to one game so far, a pre-season warm up between the Bears and the Raders in Chicago, almost impossible to get tickets for Soldier Field (several years waiting list!) so had to rely on the wife's step-dad who still has corporate tickets for the company he used to own. The stadium is magnificent, everything you could want for a day out at a sporting even, a whole level of the stadium devoted to food/drink/souveniers etc.......and no trouble with fans mixing!


Would love to go to more Raiders games, just a hell of a long way from Oakland, so I'll have to wait see next time they come close to home.

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I watched the Knicks play the Mavericks at MSG and thoroughly enjoyed that. Can't see NFL being more enjoyable IMO TBH my opinion to be honest. Although Dandy_Don will probably say that Hockey is the best. Guess it's all doon to opinion.


Was it the Sun Life stadium in Miami? Some place like although a wee bit oot in the sticks.


IMO my opinion, It's NHL, followed by NFL, followed by NBA, followed by MLS, followed by MLB.


Unfortunately the Hockey is on-hold this season so NFL FTW.



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It has something about it that makes me think it might possibly be a really good sport, but I just get fucked off with the whole stop/start nature of it.


Watch NFL Redzone on Sky Sports red button on a Sunday night. 6pm till around 1am with no adverts. They skip from game to game showing all touchdowns/highlights and focus on games that are in "the redzone" (last 20 yards). If a timeout is called they just skip to another game. Awesome stuff.

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Watch NFL Redzone on Sky Sports red button on a Sunday night. 6pm till around 1am with no adverts. They skip from game to game showing all touchdowns/highlights and focus on games that are in "the redzone" (last 20 yards). If a timeout is called they just skip to another game. Awesome stuff.


It's pretty awesome - we get the same thing here, real-time!

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IMO my opinion, It's NHL, followed by NFL, followed by NBA, followed by MLS, followed by MLB.


Unfortunately the Hockey is on-hold this season so NFL FTW.




Any news on if the hockey is likely to have a season this year. Heading over in a couple of weeks and was hoping to get to a Sharks game while there but not looking likely now.


Been to see NFL NHL MLS and NBA in the US and NFL experience was the best with NHL a close second.


Live NFL game is completely different from watching on tv. You do not notice the time pass as you do when watching on tv although this maybe down to the large quantity of booze consumed at the tailgate beforehand. 

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Any news on if the hockey is likely to have a season this year. Heading over in a couple of weeks and was hoping to get to a Sharks game while there but not looking likely now.


Been to see NFL NHL MLS and NBA in the US and NFL experience was the best with NHL a close second.


Live NFL game is completely different from watching on tv. You do not notice the time pass as you do when watching on tv although this maybe down to the large quantity of booze consumed at the tailgate beforehand. 


All games now canceled until November 30th, so if there is going to be a season at all I would guess it will start on January 1st (Winter Classic) with December for pre-season.



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All games now canceled until November 30th, so if there is going to be a season at all I would guess it will start on January 1st (Winter Classic) with December for pre-season.




Oh well no hockey this year then. Got tickets for 9ers v Rams and 9ers v Bears as well as College game between Stanford and Oregon State so not really missing out to much.

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bit of a white wash last night, shame really as the Rams started out so well! Some opening touchdown, but it was pretty much all down hill as soon as the Patriots got their second.  Have to say though, they were made to look good by an awfully shaky defence and a panicky offence.


Enjoyed it though.  Still not convinced that they'd have enough support to get a permanent franchise here though.  Half the crowd were German, I would suggest they start there.

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bit of a white wash last night, shame really as the Rams started out so well! Some opening touchdown, but it was pretty much all down hill as soon as the Patriots got their second.  Have to say though, they were made to look good by an awfully shaky defence and a panicky offence.


Enjoyed it though.  Still not convinced that they'd have enough support to get a permanent franchise here though.  Half the crowd were German, I would suggest they start there.


Germans were the only ones to turn out in number for NFL Europe. Their teams regularly got crowds in excess of 30,000. However NFL love London as a base and I cannot see them moving the IS games anywhere else. Also teams have said they do not want to travel any further than UK. Something to do with flight times not being much different from them having to go coast to coast in US.


Cannot see there being a franchise in the UK anytime soon either as there are too many US cities (LA being the prime example) that are looking for a team for them to need to consider a UK based team.

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Faaaaar too many Germans cutting around Londontown on Sunday.


Also, why does every NFL Fan just wear their teams fitba' top to the game regardless of if they're playing or not?!


If the SPL decided to play St. Mirren v Hibs in Houston, I wouldn't go along in my Dons Top.



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Faaaaar too many Germans cutting around Londontown on Sunday.


Also, why does every NFL Fan just wear their teams fitba' top to the game regardless of if they're playing or not?!

If the SPL decided to play St. Mirren v Hibs in Houston, I wouldn't go along in my Dons Top.




That seems to be for the IS games only. Not seen it at any of the games I have been to in the US.


Personally I do not see the point in heading to the IS games when team I follow is not playing. Cost of transport, tickets etc can be better used put towards trip over to the US to them play instead.

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Never been to an NFL game, only time I have been to the Cleveland Browns stadium is to see the US National team play real football.

Been to a Cavaliers basketball game and loved it and been to a few Cleveland Indians baseball games, just can't get into the NFL though. To much stop starting, oh you miss passed the ball here have another try.

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Sky had some of the preseason games on red zone on Saturday night and are showing next weeks Houston v New Orleans preseason game.


Looking forward to the season starting for real although it looks like 9ers are going to win the 1st draft pick prize this year.


Heading over in November to see 9ers play the Cardinals at Levi. First visit to the new stadium so looking forward to it.

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