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How things change....

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Calderwood must go....Langfield is crap....No chance of a win....etc etc.


We are through on merit to the group stages against the odds.


Yes, it was a struggle and we rode our luck several times, but at that level we will always require a good rub of the green.


Lets face facts - player for player they have a better team than we have. Guts and courage got us through with that luck.


I wonder if our former captain was casting envious glances as he sits recovering from surgery?

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Must say, i was thinking about this yesterday, and i think that it's the difference between expectation levels that makes all the difference here. In Europe, nobody expects us to do anything - we're the team with 10 men behind the ball, the minnows (sadly). In Scotland, we're expected to win the majority of our games, but lack the imagination/skills/tactics to break down the minnows with 10 men behind the ball. Therefore, when we start to struggle/run out of ideas, the fans get frustrated (i know i do). And when these smaller teams go and sneak a win against us, that frustration pours out. If St Mirren sneak a result against us using those tactics tomorrow, we'll all be immensely pissed off (probably even more so after Thursday), so imagine how Dnipro fans are feeling about us.


Personally, i still think Calderwood needs to just calm down the needless team/tactical changes domestically - it's the SPL, not Serie A. I also think that Langfield's situation, whilst entirely vindicated now, was handled incredibly badly and Langfield himself needs to cut out the howlers (so far he's managed) to show he can be that keeper JC says he is.


Fuck it, even Derek Young showed he can have a future at AFC. That arrogant wee shite attitude he had first time around seems to have gone. Maybe his time at a lower level taught him not to take things for granted, and he must also know just how low his rating is amongst many fans.


Finally - sorry for rambling so much, this was meant to be a one line reply... - the players have shown us what they can do when they put their minds to it now. I don't expect them to win every single week, but i expect 100% effort in every single game, something that has been lacking a few times this season.

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Derek Young ... That arrogant wee shite attitude he had first time around seems to have gone.


Combine that with the fact that Calderwood and Paterson got rid of Young's merry wee gang of pricks (Darren Young, McGuire, Rutkiewicz, Esson, etc), Young's realised he's now at a professional club who take their business extremely seriously. Aberdeen FC has changed a lot since Young left for Dunfermline. We've matured as a club and have got rid of the "big fish, small pond" attitude that plagued us for a decade.

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^^^^^^ total agreement.


and in regards to the Langfield situation. My mate and I both said right at the start of the season...Soutars gonna play between 5-10 games before Clangers is back and i'm more than glad it happened. Clangers seems far superior to Soapy nowadays.

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