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Our best since Hamburg 24 yrs ago

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Make no bones about it, this is without doubt Aberdeen's best two leg performance and result since a couple of little games against Hamburg some twenty four games ago


Everyone a hero, but going to give my MOTM to Clangers, if only for the last fifteen minutes or so

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Guest Elgin Red

I totally agree with Jamie Langfield being Outstanding tonight ...Handling excellent and proves he is our No 1 keeper and the defence looks more confident with him in goal. Young Mr Foster was also outstanding ... and hey .... Were Through to the group stages on merit  !!!!! Couldnt go to the Ukraine but definately getting the passport looked out again. Well Done Boys , done yersel proud tonight.

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Only 24 games ago?


Christ, my memory must be going, cause it seems like a lot longer.




H'min Kelt allow some poetic licence you kent fit I meant.

Generous serving of alcohol have been taken whilst watching game


I'll be joining ye in a bevvy in aboot an oor. 


Mebbes less  ;)

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Guest dundee_red

Absolutely fantastic result.  Only managed to see the last 30 mins due to being on a train back from Glasgow, which is maybe just as well...not sure I would have managed to survive the full 90 minutes.



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Every single man on the pitch stood up and showed what they could do tonight. Langfield had his best game in red (green to be fair) by a long long way tonight, and went some way to dispelling my numerous concerns about him. That last save onto the bar was absolutely top class. I didn't like the way we lined up, but my two bugbears (Foster and Mackie) did the business. What a night. Such bad luck to Considine for their goal though.


By fuck those last 20 minutes were hairy though. 



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Guest MightyWell

Great result tonight guys - thanks for representing Scotland well in Europe so far. FTOF - it's good to see a proper Scottish club doing well, especially after being embarrassed in recent years by Dunfermline (twice), Dundee Utd and Gretna.

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Well done to the lads.


As has already been said every player in red played their part, but special mentions must go to Langfield, Diamond, Considine and Foster - all of whom really were vital tonight.


A huge victory for the club....both financially and for the morale of the club.


Lets hope for a group with some of Europe's giants.


Tears in my eyes at full time. A real gutsy show!



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Been on night shift this week, but managed to see the first half, and Mackies goal.  Bloody hell, Ive given that boy stick, I taket it all back now, wonderfull 50th goal.  A brillant display BY THE TEAM. Thought Caldo got everything spot on.  The last twenty minutes were agonising listening to it on the radio, sweaty palms all round!!!! Canna wait to see who we draw next, Pittoders is gonna be a decidedly happier place this weekend! :thumbsup::ultras:

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