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Derek Soutar

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Guest dundee_red

Would agree with that.  Can't blame him for any of the goals conceded so far, but needs to be more convincing when he does come for crosses.  hopefully this will improve as his confidence grows.

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he's just a bog standard spl goalie


Unfortunately, so is Jamie Langfield (even though JC will try to say differently).  I don't think we can expect anything better at pittodrie at the moment.  If we finish 3rd again, get to a cup final and perhaps make the group stage of the Uefa cup, then maybe we can attract a better class of goal keeper.

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have to say, he's done nothing wrong yet. which is a better record than clangers had by the same stage last season, so i'd say we're actually ahead of the game.


hopefully he'll get better the more games he gets. proof will be in the pudding this weekend - suspect he'll have a little more to do....

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Aye I too feel that we may have our goal peppered this weekend from an attacking hibs team


We wont see a class goalie playing for us unless we produce him through the youth system. We can’t compete financially with even lower league teams in England and they snap up all the decent players, we don’t have a look in.



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that's true to a certain extent, but financial constraints haven't stopped falkirk (who i suspect have even fewer farthings rattling around the biscuit tin than we do) luring quality keepers like kasper schmeichel and tim krull north.


these may well be loans, but they're better than we've got. and i'd take a year of someone good than an indefinite stretch of donkeys between the sticks.



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Been impressed with Soutar's kicking - much better than Langfield's, although ideally the long punts would be interspersed with some more varied distribution.


Re. youth goalies - anyone know how the younger keepers, kelly and stewart have been doing? I remember they were rated as good prospects a year or two ago. And are there any others coming through?



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Done ok i suppose but still think we need an other keeper (and a other striker for that matter)


need another Keeper but dont agree with the striker part.


Maguire Miller Mackie and Lovell are all capable of finding the net as long as they are played in a team with the correct tactics and formation.


something that the almight calderwood seems incapable of doing this season

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defensive collapses cost us on saturday rather than soutar doing much wrong, although i think he went down too early for hibs' first goal.


so far, though, i'd say he gives the defence a little more confidence than the bombscare jamie langfield. his distribution is certainly far better.


i've so far resisted the comments about the loss of russell anderson costing us points, but it's becoming apparent that we need a calming influence in there. we really did go all to pot once zander went off on saturday.



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defensive collapses cost us on saturday rather than soutar doing much wrong, although i think he went down too early for hibs' first goal.


so far, though, i'd say he gives the defence a little more confidence than the bombscare jamie langfield. his distribution is certainly far better.


i've so far resisted the comments about the loss of russell anderson costing us points, but it's becoming apparent that we need a calming influence in there. we really did go all to pot once zander went off on saturday.




couldnt agree more.


any criticism of soutar is a joke, he's done nothing in an AFC shirt to deserve it.

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need another Keeper but dont agree with the striker part.


Maguire Miller Mackie and Lovell are all capable of finding the net as long as they are played in a team with the correct tactics and formation.


something that the almight calderwood seems incapable of doing this season


Mackie i dont rate

Lovell is not exactly bursting the net every week as an out and out striker should

Miller has been a bit of a dissapointment since as far back as when he was playing for hearts

Maguire maybe needs a regular run and another year or so..

Our problems over the last few seasons has always been putting the ball in the net

basically what im saying is our strikers are nothing special..

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In January 2001 when Derek played for Brechin City in the Scottish Cup at Coldstream it was my report in the local rag that knocked Berwick Rangers Vs Cowdenbeath off the back page!  My claim to fame!


That day we lost 6-2 however the goals we got were shots fumbled by Soutar and in all honesty I`m sure he could have held both from our captain and my childhood pal.  I still watch it on the video filmed by a local cameraman and cringe at his mistakes.


Kick Ass SeeBass!

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