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Sunday 9th February 2025 - kick-off 12.30pm

Scottish Cup Fifth Round - Aberdeen v Dunfermline Athletic

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...and I don't mean drunk.


Anyone heard anything about Sigma casuals locking dons fans in a pub by boarding up exits with tables and chairs, throwing in tear gas to the extent that a few dons fans will miss the match tonight due to facial burns?!


Taken from MAD - Czech hooligan site.



Fight: Souhlasim! 60 chachar? tam nebylo. Tipuju, že tak 20-30 mlade sestavy. Potom p?išlo par starych, kte?i se s ni?im nesrali. S ut?kem je to škoda



Fight: I agree! 60 chachar? there was not. Tipuju that this young group 20-30. Then came a couple of old, who is nothing nesrali. With the escape is a pity



Takže k tomu v?erejšku, Pepa/HHZ to tady napsal da se ?ict tak jak to p?ibližn? bylo, po zapase chcou mladi FCB cca 25 napadnout Sigmu u jejiho sektoru, rozmysli si to v mom?nt? kdy si všimli o kousek dal stojicich antonu s A.C.A.B. rozhodnou se tedy ze Sigmou vyjednavat o jinem mist? ke st?etu. Do toho se k tehle nic netušuci skupin? bliži asi 15 dalšich chacharu ( polovina z nich je staršich) kte?i dostali ten samy napad jako mladi. Ti však narozdil do mladych antony nevidi a ihned uto?i, sigma se dava na ut?k, par jedinc? co to nestihli je trochu poškadleno, ale diky policii jen kratce. Po tomto malem incidentu probiha ješt? n?jaka domluva o po?tech mezi mladymi, ale i ta je nakonec ze strany sigmy zrušena



So to yesterday, Pepa / HHZ here can be written as to say about it, after the game chcou young FCB about 25 Sigma contest for its sector, mind you at the time when you noticed a little farther away, standing with Anton ACABA decide to Thus from Sigma negotiate another place to a conflict. Go to this group netušuci anything close to about 15 other chacharu (half of them are older) who received the same idea as the young. Those, however, in contrast to the young Antony sees and immediately attacks, sigma is given to the flight, a few individuals, what did not is a bit poškadleno, but thanks to the police shortly. After this little incident has done some talking about the number of young, but it is eventually canceled by the sigma.


I hope that clears everything up  ;D

Aberdeen FC fans targeted by Czech casuals in tear gas attack

Canisters launched into Irish bar


By Alan Majury and Ross McTavish


Published: 06/08/2009


ABERDEEN FC fans were today the victims of a tear gas attack in a bar in the Czech Republic.


Around 40 travelling Aberdeen FC supporters were enjoying a quiet drink in an Irish bar when it was targeted by Czech casuals with tear gas canisters.


Bar owner Graham Campsie, 43, a Scot from Edinburgh, today said three casuals from the Czech Republic’s Sigma Olomouc, who Aberdeen FC were due to play this evening, turned up in a car before launching two tear gas canisters into the bar.


The incident happened at the Crack Irish Bar on Olomouc’s Mlynska4 street in the Czech Republic between 1.15am and 1.30am today.


For more on this story, pick up a copy of today’s Evening Express


I got a text this morn from a mate in Prague telling me the story. He told me that another mate of mine had ended up in hospital. A poster from on here spoke to the guy who was sharing a room with the guy who was supposedly hospitalised and no mention was made of a hospitalisation or even injury of the hotel room sharer.  ???


These stories always grow arms and legs when there's a bunch of drunken dandies on foreign soil.


I'm sceptical it even happened. Minijc probably just farted after all that czech beer he's been drinking and nobody could squeeze past him to get oot the door  8)


But if it did happen - hope yer alright fellow ginge!


No hotel room door kicked in then?  ???


Story has been updated:



Fighting broke out between rival fans ahead of Aberdeen's Europa League match in the Czech Republic.


Visiting supporters clashed with local Sigma Olomouc fans in Olomouc city centre. It was not immediately clear if arrests were made.


Aberdeen football club also confirmed that two female fans were attacked and robbed on Thursday afternoon.


Earlier, during the night, a local gang threw tear gas canisters at Aberdeen supporters at a bar.


Two arrests were made following that incident.


About 300 Dons fans are in the city for the match against Sigma Olomouc, which the Czech side lead 5-1.


There were minor skirmishes following the tear gas incident, which happened in the early hours of Thursday at the Crack Irish Bar, which is owned by 43-year-old Graham Campsie, from Edinburgh.


A spokesman for Aberdeen FC said: "I've spoken to a number of the guys who were in the pub at the time and they all got a hell of a fright.


"But other than the effects of the gas itself, there was no damage, thankfully.


"There's never been any trouble in eight years Graham's been there and he was also quoted as saying that it was a brilliant night up until then, everybody was thoroughly enjoying themselves, with a good old sing song."

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