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...of Aberdeen Wins or Jambo Losses to guarantee 3rd place...




and it's been 1 for far too long.  With the Tims & Huns left for us to round out the Season, and the Lithuanian State Circus left to face Hibs & Killie, it would seem that the Dons have their work cut out for them.  At best Hibs might pull out a stunner next week in the Edinburgh Derby but I just don't see Hearts losing to Killie.  I (and those of you who know me will find this shocking) have a hard time seeing Aberdeen getting even so much as a point from the Old Firm at this point.


Please tell me there's hope?

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Oh ye of little hope, min. There is ALWAYS a chance in hell that we can beat either of the Brothers Grim.


Both Rangers and Celtic have nothing to prove. If anything, we may face a vastly understrength Old Firm over the next fortnight as Strachan and Smith tinker with new formations and young players.


I reckon Hibs could really do us a favour. They have the ability to rip ANY SPL team apart, and have frequently racked up rugby scores this season against some teams. My money is on Hibs helping us out with either a draw or a win against the tarts.


And it could well be Stevie Naismiths last game for Killie, so I reckon he'll go out with a bang too. So Hearts won't really have it easy for the remaining two games.

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Drewsome, min. I know you've been an Aberdeen man long enough to realise that the Dons NEVER EVER do things the easy way. We get things done! But we NEVER do them without giving the long-suffering Red Army a couple more minor heart-attacks first.


If it's escaping relegation, getting into the top six, or getting into Europe ... regardless of what our target is on that particular season, we ALWAYS seem to do the business, but never ever the easy way. We always leave it until the last couple of weeks of the season. Remember when we played Livi on the second last day of the season to decide which one of us would go into Europe? It was widely tipped that Livi would hump us (as they had given us a 6-1 thrashing just a few months previously on our own turf). Well we played a blinder that day (Danish Day, I do believe) and got into Europe in style.


And then there was the season we finished last in the league. It took a thirteenth hour decision from the other SPL clubs to save us from relegation by stating that Falkirk's stadium was too shit to be a part of the SPL. And then the first season of the top-six shite, we finished just short of the top six, but won just about every single game from there on in (Steve "Pele" Paterson's first few games) and am pretty sure we ended up with more points than the 4th-placed team.


Like I say, the Dons never do things the easy way. But we DO do it.

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didnt think hertz posed a big threat on sunday, and were obviously helped by poor defending/attrocious goalkeeping for their goal. Only problem with Hibs is that they've only won 6 in 21 league games or so, so i'd reckon it's more likely that Killie could do us a favour at rugby park on the 20th. Here's hoping it's done and dusted by the time we play at the San Giro on Saturday though.

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All Right!


I've got my head screwed back on.  We've taken at least 1 from the OF for the last few seasons.  Neither of the 2 ugly step-sisters have anything to play for and we're due!


We'll win at least 1 of these games.

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Okay. So it's as I said. We NEVER EVER do things the easy way. I'd hoped that Hibs would've put up a better fight than they did this weekend. But out of the gruesome twosome I always thought that Celtic would be the more difficult one to get any change out of. We never seem to raise our game against Celtic like we do against Rangers. Especially at the Tattybowl, I didn't expect us to get anything. I HOPED we would, but deep down I didn't think we would.


But Rangers at Pittodrie?! That's a whole different matter!!

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