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Calderwood going nowhere

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Given he signed a 3yr contract not that long ago we cannot financially afford to sack him when you consider a solid business plan - if we do then it demonstrates how poorly Miller/Milne are doing their jobs, and neither will admit that. If the money from Hart, Clark, Anderson, and Europe have to be used to pay off JC, JN, and SC then what a shambles we would appear to be.


If JC were sacked in the summer what cash does the new guy get and what players are still available at that time? If Milne had any balls he'd swallow his pride, admit he f**ked up in giving the 3 yr contract to JC, pay him off out of his own money, and get McGhee in now. Maybe a new manager boosts the squad ahead of the Celtic cup game, plus he can get the precontracts now rather than the left overs in the summer.


I got slated a few months back for criticizing JC but look at us now. Where next?????

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Personnaly, i hope that tango mans ego will take him to england, a club (dont really care who, they can all outstrip us financially) will want to buy out his contract and we can hold then to ransom. i reckon that's what he is up to, bleating about the "poor resources" that he has to deal with so some of the blame is off his shoulders so he can say to the board -"look I took a small club with bugger all resources into Europe and up the league, but was let down by not having any investment", (hence the Anderson et al speech).


I think he knows his number is almost up with Aberdeen as his hands are tied and the fans are turning against him.  he knows full well that the pressure is nowe on for next season. 

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Though I realise it probably wont happen (because it would mean the board admitting to making a huge error in giving them such long contracts), I still believe as I said last week that a bottom 6 finish is unacceptable if we cannot get beyond Celtic in the cup.  In my eyes it is the only thing that can save JC.  Yep, I hear all this "we can't afford to sack him, blah, blah, blah", but at the same time, can we afford to finish 8th or 9th instead of 5th or 6th (a difference of roughly £300k plus possible TV revenue and additional gate receipts) and a cup semi (windfall from big Hampden crowd/chance of silverware and a European place)?


I don't think we've had 5 straight league defeats since Ebbe's days in charge.  I hope we can turn it around, but the panicking going on down Pittodrie way with team selection is an affront to Calderwood and to us for paying the money to watch such drivel.


And what is this crap I read about JC "not being held to account if things take a turn"?  I'm not saying that you didn't read it (was it you Reekie?), but surely we all know that contracts like that are not worth the paper they are written on.

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  • 9 months later...

There is something obviously wrong with pre-season. We need to start playing better quality opposition and stay away from Africa as that has proved to be somewhat of a hindrance. We should be playing some of the better Division One sides towards the start of the season and maybe some Championship teams as well as a wee tour. I do feel that the opposition we meet on tour have to be better than what we have played so far.

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There is something obviously wrong with pre-season. We need to start playing better quality opposition and stay away from Africa as that has proved to be somewhat of a hindrance. We should be playing some of the better Division One sides towards the start of the season and maybe some Championship teams as well as a wee tour. I do feel that the opposition we meet on tour have to be better than what we have played so far.


I doubt we'll ever play an English side away in pre-season, after all those fun & games in Bradford a few years ago.


Portugal next pre-season I hope, seen a whole host of teams out there this year on TV and combine it with a little holiday would be lovely (for me)  :thumbsup:

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