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JDV must start

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I'd go further and say him and Touzani must start.


Touzani in midfield wi Seve and Nicholson, Jdv on the right and Aluko on the left.




I'd like that. Touzani sitting in between midfield and defence, Seve and Barry in the midfield, with Sone and JDV running at the full backs. Nice mix of holding and creative players there. Miller's going to be on his own up front anyway, so we need to have someone in midfield to sit beside Seve and let Barry get forward to help him (i've long since given up on seeing Seve commit himself to getting forward quickly in support of an attack).


Never going to happen though. Far too sensible a plan.

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I reckon it might happen. Smith was a nightmare yesterday and maybe pissed on his chips as far as being the "midfield support" to Miller is concerned.


Diamond and Consi at the back (canny see Mair starting, he was a disgrace wi the ball at his feet) Hart and (dear fuck I'm gonna say it) Byrne at LB.


A bit like arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic or shuffling an entire deck of jokers!

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I reckon it might happen. Smith was a nightmare yesterday and maybe pissed on his chips as far as being the "midfield support" to Miller is concerned.


Diamond and Consi at the back (canny see Mair starting, he was a disgrace wi the ball at his feet) Hart and (dear fuck I'm gonna say it) Byrne at LB.


A bit like arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic or shuffling an entire deck of jokers!


You've stooped so low you're staring up a snakes arsehole with that statement. Fuck off back to afc chat would ya  :hammer:

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Hey, I was at Parkhead yesterday. I saw it with (regrettably) sober eyes and quite a few Tims commented to me about how well he played McGeady.


Frankly having seen the efforts of Foster recently I think Byrne is ahead of him.


Did he really merit his start ahead of Foster then? I must say I was a bit surprised to see both Mair and Byrne starting. Was Considine injured?

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