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Worst European performance at Pittodrie?

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Just in, left at 1-4.

Surely that was our worst ever European performance at Pittodrie?  Certainly the worst I can remember.


We all know McGhee needs funding for players, and he has thus far been unable to replace Severin and Mair who would have helped avoid fielding probably the worst back 4 in living memory tonight.


But, we were absolutely appalling.  Sigma weren't even that great, we were just all over the place, a complete and utter shambles, particularly at the back.

We also created fuck all up front.  The 4-3-3/4-5-1 didn't work, and McGhee needs to give it two more games at the most or he should revert back to 4-4-2.


Absolutely shocking performance.  In one way I'm disappointed I'm not going to Olomouc, as its now going to be our only trip this season.



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>:( >:(>:( >:(

just in from work and seen the score!  :hammer:


usual ferkin p1sh  :hammer:


good one board, lets pay out what little money we have getting rid of the management team so that for the umpteenth year in a row players leave, don't get replaced and what happens...


1-5 home european defeats.


stupid wiggy basterd! :

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Ftf...didn't they name a website after you?








































[needless waste of bandwith, IMO]







Youtube I think it's called

You sure do put the 'stalk' in DonsTalk, and as a result give me the 'no' feeling.



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