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Starting Line Up Next Season?

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For me at the moment...



Hart Touzani Anderson Foster

Nicholson MacNamara Severin Smith

Lovell Miller





Hart Touzani Anderson

Nicholson MacNamara Severin Smith Clark

Lovell Miller


No place in the team for Considine, Diamond, Mair, Mackie, De Visscher and Maguire in either team, and either Foster and Clark depending on formation.


Looks like a pretty damn strong squad, albeit still a little light, with a lot of options on the bench.


Role on next season.

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Guest Chris

As long as we don't expect Smith to get on the end of long balls i think he'd do a job upfront.  Certainly can't be any worse then Mackie although i don't think he will get 20 goals a season.

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Guest JCsredarmy

As long as we don't expect Smith to get on the end of long balls i think he'd do a job upfront.  Certainly can't be any worse then Mackie although i don't think he will get 20 goals a season.


what on earth is the mackie bashing for.


in case it escaped your notice, he is top scorer this season and is the one player up front who is willing to put in a bit of effort off the ball. I liked the look of the three up front against the huns, but also a 352 with smith in the middle playing in the hole. doubt JC will play smith as a striker or 2nd striker as we have a few, smith is also better going at defenses, rather than back to goal and creativity through the midfield is what we lack.


I reckon one of mair or mcnamara have been brought in as a holding central midefielder, as we may be short there with dempsay leaving.


if a 352 a team of




Anderson --diamond---Touzani/mair/considine


hart - Severin - mcnamara/Nicholson - foster




Lovell/mackie - miller/brewster (dont like brewster but JC does :hammer:)


quite a few can play a few positions with clark, jeffrey coming on later if we need to go for it.


442 would be different, but cant be arsed

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In one of jeffrey's interviews he says JC was planning to play a "european style with two wingers" except against the old firm. To me that means either a 442 or a 352 with actual attacking wingers rather than wing backs (ie. not hart and foster, but perhaps jeffrey/nic/smith instead.) I certainly hope there's going to be some fluid attacking next season, but our success has been based on being solid defensively first. Tricky to predict like.

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Guest severininho

In one of jeffrey's interviews he says JC was planning to play a "european style with two wingers" except against the old firm. To me that means either a 442 or a 352 with actual attacking wingers rather than wing backs (ie. not hart and foster, but perhaps jeffrey/nic/smith instead.) I certainly hope there's going to be some fluid attacking next season, but our success has been based on being solid defensively first. Tricky to predict like.


A European style with two wingers I would imagine would mean a 4-3-3 like the Dutchies/Barcelona play.  Or a more conservative 4-5-1 with the wingers being asked to track back more often.  It's quite a puzzling quote, because wingers are more associated with a British style of football than a continental approach to the game :D

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Guest Don Corleone

The must starters are Anderson, Severin, Nicholson and in my opinion Mackie...after that the team could be bloody anything...but it's good that we've now got 2 teams of decent quality:


Langfield, Hart, Anderson, Diamond, Foster

Smith, Severin, Nicholson, Clark

Mackie, Miller


Soutar, McNamara, Considine, Byrne, D.Smith (Kurrant?),

Touzani, De Vischerr, Mair,Macguire.

Lovell, Brewster


Looks very promising...just got to keep hold of all our players now!  >:D

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Guest highland-red

i think that JC has just tried to sign the best standard of freebie he can get, then i think he is going to worry about who he plays where?


i hope we dont live to regret that......as it really was left sided players we needed to be signing but he hasn't seemed to have even thought about that?


also all this chat about playing smith through the middle we are already strong enough through the middle of the park with Seve, Barry Nicholson and Chris Clark in midfield as well as the 3 strikers and Brewster.

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i think that JC has just tried to sign the best standard of freebie he can get, then i think he is going to worry about who he plays where?


i hope we dont live to regret that......as it really was left sided players we needed to be signing but he hasn't seemed to have even thought about that?


also all this chat about playing smith through the middle we are already strong enough through the middle of the park with Seve, Barry Nicholson and Chris Clark in midfield as well as the 3 strikers and Brewster.




I take it you never watched Aberdeen much last season then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o


We are terrible in midfield, completely powder puff and totally over run in any midfield battle.

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Indeed Mr Wong. In games where we asked Clark and Nicholson to run things in the centre (particularly at the start of the season), we were absolutely shocking and offered almost no resistance to the opposition. Seve didn't have a great season IMO, but we were less overrun when he was in midfield to help out.

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