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I don't agree with censorship and I didn't see exactly what was "censored" but tbh be honest, Caledonia if it was even lower than your usual standard of pish then I don't blame whoever did it too much.  :wave:

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Hmm, Whilst I don't agree with most of what Caledonia says, I do believe he has a right to say it!


However if it was some sort of pro-Celtic propaganda, then a fair explanation of why it was deleted/removed should maybe be put up? It does smack to the untrained as a personal agenda against him (or her) with no explanation why. And whilst the wee in-jokes are mildly amusing they don't really do anybody any favours!


I do believe that tims/huns are two cheeks of the same arse and as a site it would be wrong to seem to pander to one whilst clearly fucking hating the other (we should be seen to be hating both). And if that was the case for deleting the post, then say so! If its just cos you don't like him then thats OK too but say so!


Ahem, sorry I'll go back to finish this bottle of Red!



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I don't agree with censorship and I didn't see exactly what was "censored" but tbh be honest, Caledonia if it was even lower than your usual standard of pish then I don't blame whoever did it too much.  :wave:


Been away and seem to have missed all the fuss ?

Whats been going on lads  ???

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You posted a link to a wank-fest made by Celtic fans - more or less positioning ourselves beside them.


GS posted a link made by Rangers fans about us.


If you can't see the difference you're more of a fucking moron than I already thought.


Put the dummy back in and shut the fuck up.

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You've got a fucking cheek, we let all your shite about immigrants etc. slide and you're greeting about a link being removed. If you actually read what I said all your questions would be answered. You're either trolling or extremely dim.


Why dont you answer the question "are you now not allowed to link to other football forums"

If the answer is yes its censorship

If the answer is no then you are the fucking moron

And if you dont know the answer well that says it all


ps its not as though i was promoting the other site i only linked because it was taking the piss out the huns


Testing with this link to the BBC website just to see if its on your approved list  (checked and do not see to much green or blue)


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Why dont you answer the question "are you now not allowed to link to other football forums"

If the answer is yes its censorship

If the answer is no then you are the fucking moron

And if you dont know the answer well that says it all


ps its not as though i was promoting the other site i only linked because it was taking the piss out the huns


Testing with this link to the BBC website just to see if its on your approved list  (checked and do not see to much green or blue)



I have. If you can't read then that's your problem.

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