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A little help needed

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Hi guys,


I'm a journalism student at RGU and I am currently researching an investigative article regarding the plans for the Dons new stadium.  I have already arranged a contact within the club and within the council but thought it would be wise to speak to the fans to gauge their feelings about it.  The only problem is I need to speak to somebody who is in an official capacity, i.e. head of a supporters club, a fan representative or editor of a fanzine.  Does anybody know of any "official" fan that might be willing to answer some basic questions?


Cheers in advance


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Stoney and rocket.


Real fans with thier fingers on the pulse.


Thanks mate.  Do these guys have any official capacity at all.  It's just that the uni is insisting we speak to people that have an official stance.  Even if they were administrators for the board or anything.

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Bet he's askin Kowalski to wear a hidden camera!


Dinna trust him Kowalski - you'll be quoted as a "Pittodrie Insider" and JC will need to come hunting for ye!!!  ;D


Ha ha.  I'm not a journalist yet mate.  Still just a harmless tax dodging student trying to get my degree so I can get a job working in Asda or Sainsburys like the rest of the graduates I know. ;D


To be honest I am actually writing the story from the fan's angle because at the end of the day the fans are the most important aspect of any club.  Unless your name is Vladimir Romanov!!!

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Guest leith_red

Ha ha.  I'm not a journalist yet mate.  Still just a harmless tax dodging student trying to get my degree so I can get a job working in Asda or Sainsburys like the rest of the graduates I know. ;D


To be honest I am actually writing the story from the fan's angle because at the end of the day the fans are the most important aspect of any club.  Unless your name is Vladimir Romanov!!!


Interesting bebo page  :thumbsup:

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Are you an Aberdeen fan?  ???


For my sins Im actually a Jambo!!!  Please don't shoot.


To be honest though Im a football fan first and foremost and I've been based up here for the last 3 and a half years so I do have a soft spot for the Dons but shhhhhh, dont tell any of my fellow Jambos.


Please don't let my parents choice in football club deter you from helping me.  I'm trying my hardest to get to the bottom of this story and at the end of the day its your club, your ground and your future we are talking about.  In my opinion Milne has alot of questions to answer.

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Sambuca sours!?


Ha ha ha, yeah its a drink my mate and I used to drink to get smashed before we went out (in typical student fashion).  Its very basic.  A shot of sambuca, a shot of apple sours, mix in a glass and down it!!!  Very simple but very very effective.  For more hardened drinkers there are also tambucas.  Same idea only tequila and sambuca.


I did not think i would be discussing this on this message board. ha ha

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Fitever happened to that tube Alan Duncan that used to claim to speak on the fans behalf?  Was it nae him that said we should hug-a-hun? Maybe he disappeared up his own erse?  ???


I've nae seen head nor tail of that useless cunt since we gave him pelters in the pub before a game a few years ago down at Motherwell.


"who's that sitting at Pittodrie? Who's that sittin o'er there? Looks like Alan Duncan tae me, wi Keith Wyness on his knee. Looks like Claire won't be gettin it onay mare!"


Never saw him again after that song.

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