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so far so good

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After the terrible opening result we had i did fear the worst but since then we've ground out some impressive results.  Also to have conceded only 2 goals in 5 games shows that real progress has been made at the back.  Given that we always seem to start the season pretty slowly under calderwood i think this bodes really well for our season prospects. Hopefully we will sign a wide player before the window closes tonight and if we do then im going to be pretty delighted with the squad.



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I think its a good start. Is it not certainly our most successful under Calderwood? Anyway, I think we can put that opening game down to the fact that the team needed a game to get under their belt to gell. They've done it and hopefully they can continue with this progress. As FJ says, 3 in 5 isn't bad, and ever so slowly, our strikers are starting to score. It would appear our defence is starting to get to grips with each other as well, I can only wonder, what happens when Zander gets back and we're still doing well? Anyway, its a good thing and I'm happy enough so far. Keep it up guys!  :thumbsup:


on the transfer front, any news/gossip?

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Guest swaddon

I must admit I'm a bit more optmistic than I was a month ago about our season. But it's a marathon, not a sprint, there's still a long way to go. It looks like Mulgrew and Kerr are both going to be great signings, not sure about Tommy Wright yet.

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We always lose our first game so not overly bothered considering the results since. Got lucky against the filth but was a point gladly accepted. Our new midfield seems to be coming together and the defence seems to be settling down. Looking promising. Only 3 points behind.

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It's looking very promising for the rest of the season.  Too many folk pressed the panic button after the 1st game against ICT.  The team look like they're starting to gel and with Aluko now signed up we look much more of a threat up front, hopefully that means we won't rely on desperate defending as much.

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It's looking very promising for the rest of the season.  Too many folk pressed the panic button after the 1st game against ICT.  The team look like they're starting to gel and with Aluko now signed up we look much more of a threat up front, hopefully that means we won't rely on desperate defending as much.


Completely agree. The fact that people even said that it looked like the team had never played together, was near enough true, its taken time, and they've gelled. Happy days! Lets hope the progress continues!  :thumbsup:

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