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Friday 14th June 2024

Euro 2024 - 🇩🇪 Germany v 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotland - kick-off 8pm


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Posts posted by HaarDon

  1. 12 hours ago, RicoS321 said:

    I've had three doses of Pfizer, if it helps the discussion.

    If you're not discussing herd immunity then why not? If your government is putting arbitrary figures on when/when not to allow people to travel, then why on earth would you accept that without questioning those arbitrary figures?

    The lack of nuance and critical thinking in your argument is disturbing. 

    Your lack of data and inanity is uncompelling to me.

    Such incomprehension and stubborness in your reply is redolent of a Walkers crisp I used to scoff at.

    Your childish rejection of my highly plausible arguments reminds me that you are of Scrotifera quality and I regard your immature thoughts with enormous contempt.

    It's quite apparent that future interactions with you shall be determinable with disregard since you have traduced most of my posts.

    Your unawareness of your own inadequacies are intipodal and fraught with neglect in relation to my self-efficacy and love for humankind.

    Say baaaaahhhhhh.


  2. 17 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

    What's your country at risk of?

    What's the required level of vaccination for herd immunity?

    So you're an anti-vaccer?

    The country I live in and every other country on the planet is at risk of being shut down for travellers, this country is at risk of having high infection rates, at risk of deaths rising with new variants, at risk of borders being shut down therefore creating less income for businesses, at risk of putting more pressure on already struggling hospitals, at risk of variants spreading and locking cities down, at risk of travelling interstate being stopped (I don't and didnt want to fly anywhere), at risk of schools shutting down...

    That enough for you?^^^

    Nobody advocates herd immunity over here. It's NEVER mentioned.

    There's probably no such thing as a new variant will no doubt pop up.

    We have seen tons of cases of anti vaccers flaunting the health advice and mandates and knowingly spreading covid because they decide not to believe in it.

    Selfish bastards.

    These types are not letting US move on and are consequently slowing down the whole process of us getting back to normality (if we ever do) and ironically taking away our freedoms!

    The amount of times we've had to wear masks here because a non vaccer purposely decided to flaunt the rules because of his or her beliefs which shut down numerous businesses is ridiculous.

    The action of a few people affects millions of lives.

    That's not really happened before unless you're a terrorist or a president or prime minister.



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  3. 18 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

    "Anti vaccers" have not shut down borders, your government has.

    Last time I was in the hospital it was filled with selfish fat people who refused to lose weight and put massive strain on hospital staff (and the beds). Don't get me started on the bed-hogging poor, with all their ailments.

    Yup and the government have shut the borders due to dumb, selfish anti-vaccers breaking rules that most people are following.


    Fat people don't put a country at risk.


  4. 9 hours ago, Elgindon said:

    Dr Scott Youngblood / Excellent Presentation Worth Every Second Of Your Time (bitchute.com)


      There's good arguments for not taking the vax,its not a black and white thing,so lets quit the name calling shite.Nothing to do with being selfish for a lot of folk.I was positively pro vax(double jabbed),but have looked at alternatives as the,probably under-reported, data has become available. If youre fit and under 40,I personally wouldnt touch the vax with a bargepole now and look at prophyllactics.



    So let's take figures from Taiwan. Seriously?

    It's like saying walking down a path will cause some fatalities with people who may have imbalance problems or who may trip and bump their heads.

    99% are still walking down that path everyday without injury or fatality.

    I've watched lots of marches with thousands of anti vaccers. With lots of 'jesus saves' posters by the way and 'free the people' bollocks.

    One was even interviewed over here saying we know what's in the vaccine and we refuse to take it.

    He was then asked,"what's in the vaccine" and replied," I'm not a biologist"


    And of course they're selfish. Look at the numbers of people who refused to be vaccinated and put massive strains on hospital staff.

    Anti vaccers here have also shut down borders and given us huge restrictions.

    They've lied to get through borders and spread covid. These fucktards are potential murderers who show no remorse.

    So I'll stick to the name calling thanks.

  5. 28 minutes ago, OrlandoDon said:

    I think there’s a difference between food preservatives and injecting a new type of and relatively unknown vaccine/medical procedure (with no history) into your blood. It’s irreversible. There have been very documented and publicized results of Covid but there’s also a ton of Covid vaccine damaged people out there. I understand the hesitancy, hence I don’t support mandating this vaccine.

    much like with all other medical procedures and drugs, the side effects should be very clearly stated for people to choose. There’s not enough known yet about the vaccine to state the side effects. Even now you see the J&J vaccine is not being recommended because of side effects when millions already have taken it because they were told it was safe.

    im not anti vax but feel I understand both sides. Wife works with a number of doctors who are treating Covid vaccine damaged patients. It’s scary

    There's tons of medical EXPERTS saying otherwise.

    Why aren't millions of vaccinated people dropping like flies if it's so dangerous?

    And we don't know what supermarkets inject into their food.

    We have contaminated food stock reported loads in the news.

    Breathing in new sustainable ingredients of paint, oils, perfumes created in labs, phone damage etc could affect you in years to come.

    Experts have brought up crap like this every decade as scaremongering.

    5.3 million have died from covid. I don't think that's scaremongering.

    Governments control citizens every day with regulations.

    The anti vaccers are stopping me from flying home to see my family and are putting unnecessary stress on businesses and hospitals.

    They're selfish and have 0 arguments against being vaccinated. They are the extreme minority who wish to argue for argument's sake.

    Non vaccinated people are the ones dying and being admitted to hospital.

    You have a 94% chance of NOT going to hospital with covid if vaccinated according to expert figures here.

    I mentioned on Facebook that I hoped some anti-vaccers would catch covid just to see that it's real. Not to die or suffer but hopefully to be a little surprised.To open their eyes and respect the reality that millions who have died from it (rather than dismiss it as fake.)

    The reply I received was, "I hope your kids catch it"

    Nice people.

    • Like 1
  6. Anti-vaccers are dickheads with utterly no compelling arguments.

    You put foreign bodies in your body every day with food preservatives, bacteria etc.

    And all this pish about freedom is ridiculous.

    Bunch of selfish, religious zealot, attention seeking morons.

    People are very bored and self-centred.

  7. 11 minutes ago, BigAl said:

    I wasn't having a go at you but was just curious as to your thinking behind the bold statement you made

    Maloney may turn out to be Hibs best ever manager for all any of us know, but just because he worked with the Martinez and the Belgian squad doesn't nevessarily mean that that will translate into him being a great club manager and possessing the necessary man management skills required.

    Of course, time will tell mate 😉

    I totally agree Al.

    I just think success breeds success and Maloney saw plenty of that and must've been inspired and gained plenty knowledge and ideas over the years.

    I hope Glass turns out to be our best ever manager.


    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, BigAl said:

    Intrigued by your response HD.

    Can you expand on why you say that for my benefit please ?

    I just think being beside Martinez, managing the best team in the world and seeing all that success and skill must surely rub off on a person in a coaching position.

    Far, far more than what Glass had seen and experienced.

    Just my opinion.

    Time will tell I guess with Hibs and future management positions.

    Nothing against Glass personally but between the 2, I would've chosen Maloney all day.

    I reckon every other Dons fan would too.

  9. 41 minutes ago, BigAl said:

    Thought my fellow administrators based in the Southen Hemisphere might have merged these threads whilst the rest of us were in the land of nod  

    At least Rico and HaarDon can sleep easy tonight safe in the knowledge there is only one Calvin Ramsay thread now. 😉

    There's only 1 Calvin Ramsay thread.


    1 Calvin Ramsay threadddddddddd..

    There's onlyyyy 1.......

    • Like 1
    • Haha 4
  10. 16 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

    Cool. I'll meet you there. I'll get them in.

    I'm booked in for june 2037 at the Oxygen Bar.

    Vodka Martini please...shaken not floating in the air.


  11. 13 minutes ago, RicoS321 said:

    You should. How much space do you think the internet has left? 

    It's bloody vandalism.

    With Elon Musk's new I-Clouds on Mars , there's tons of space.

  12. 8 hours ago, RicoS321 said:

    To be honest, I'm just disgusted that we can't use the existing Calvin Ramsay thread.

    Couldn't find it...and couldn't be arsed looking after the 1st page tbh.

    I swear I didn't mean to upset anyone.

    I feel awful.


  13. Cormack saying Ramsay is one of the best defenders in Europe.


    If the likes of Liverpool, Man Utd, Leicester City and Everton are watching him then pay top money for him.

    I'll start the bidding at £10mill


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