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Friday 14th June 2024

Euro 2024 - 🇩🇪 Germany v 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotland - kick-off 8pm


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  1. Fuck it, unleash the Simon Murray. Be a laugh.
  2. It's not too late to bring them both along is it? I assumed that we could do what we like for these friendlies? I'm guessing Clarke would have a fair idea who he thought was the better player and can just bring one along with Dykes out. I don't see him doing it though, I think he'll go the safe route of just having Jack as another midfield backup and let Kelly go home on his own. The only way I can see him doing something is if he has an arbitrary figure of X number of forwards (four) that he feels he has to have in his squad. It's a real shame that Scotland legend Oli McBurnie isn't fit.
  3. But those aren't the reasons for the ban, and weren't even mentioned. Whether the rule actually goes or not is irrelevant. This is the 10,000 seat rule again, and because that rule went, there will be a decision to be made on whether it's worth replacing or waiting a few years. If I were a team in the playoffs - say Falkirk or Raith - at present income levels, I'd be politely declining to be involved in them. The investment required to get promoted would ensure straight relegation and the subsequent income loss in the championship through no longer having the pitch resource would be too heavy a risk. We'll be in the position where clubs decide that their ceiling will only be championship for financial reasons only, furthering the closed shop that is the SPFL top league. It's akin to the current situation getting into the SPFL. We're going through the worst period in Scottish football history, and the answer is to shut more teams out. Fairly rank like.
  4. I agree about Stewart, but assumed he was the most Dykes-like of the options. I've not seen anything of Hardie. Didn't Clarke play Russell a few times when he was in the MLS? I guess Gauld maybe suffers from having several in that position, but with Ferguson out he'd be a decent shout.
  5. Or, more likely, just remain in the championship and wait for the shite rule to go the way of the 10,000 seats rule. Plastic pitches is such a minor issue with the game. I can only assume Killie beating the scum was a step too far.
  6. I believe Stojan Lekovic is Serbian for Neil Simpson.
  7. It's Clarke. He'll probably just stick with the squad he's got, meaning one less to throw out before the final squad announcement. Maybe an extra keeper? Would it be Ross Stewart favourite for the striker position if he takes another? Conway? Or go wild and take Simon Murray?
  8. Those caveats weren't put it in place though, and were never going to be, so why would you agree with the decision? That's like saying that you agree with the council's decision to knock down your house because they're replacing it with a new house with a pool, even though they're not replacing it at all. The decision has to be taken as a whole. They are banning plastic pitches with zero compensation or assistance to those who might aspire to play in the league. We could well be in a position in a few year's time where half the league below can't be promoted. The question was never, and isn't: do you prefer grass or plastic? That would be obvious. Yet that's what people seem to be answering. It's football gerrymandering basically. Fucking rancid behaviour from the SPFL premier clubs.
  9. Banned in the premiership. Self serving cunts. Ridiculous decision. 10,000 seats all over again.
  10. Dykes stretchered off in training. Could see a resurrection of the 4-6-0.
  11. Forgot about Dragoje. Not sure. I'm going to say yes though.
  12. "Aberdeen are linked with FK Radnicki 1923 goalkeeper Stojan Lekovic." Always said he was a great stopper.
  13. He wasn't great for Hibs. Occasionally scores a peach, but generally hides. Like a poor man's McGrath (unless he's improved). Workrate not there, pace neither. If he's lucky he might get a gig with St Johnstone, but he looked like he'd be on a downward trajectory, towards championship level. Edit: unless he's good to have about the place
  14. Was it not Glass that swapped Anderson for a jet? It was McInnes who gave him virtually zero minutes as a young lad breaking through. He lacks pace, meaning he has a lower ceiling than Sokler, but he's a great finisher. I think he'll do well at Killie.
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