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Adam Rooney

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I would just like to say, well done this afternoon Rooney! I though he camed on and changed the game. He held the ball up well and he ran at defenders and took his goal beautifully! Credit where credit is due. He has been getting some stick on here recently. Remember he is the only player since the early 90s at Aberdeen to hit more than 20 goals in a season and he has done it 3 years running! I really like May and I'm delighted we have him but I'm certainly not ready for us to offload Rooney as some on here have commented!!

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I thought he'd gone a little stale and needed a challenge, possibly away from Pittodrie. However, maybe the addition of May is what he needed, a bit of a kick up the arse, and he recognizes he has a good thing here and wants to be part of it.

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