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Aberdeen FC - Cost of ticket phoneline

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I'm just back from my holidays and spent part of this evening sorting through a huge pile of mail. I'm so glad I was sitting down when I opened my phone bill! 


After trying continually from 0900 I eventually got through to the AFC ticketline for a Madrid ticket at 1139. Cost for the calls: £53.23 inc VAT  :o


To get the total cost from my itemised bill it was easier for me to deduct all my other calls!. The call to process the ticket cost 40p.


I will be emailing Aberdeen FC as I think it is a disgrace that fans are being ripped off like this  >:(


I won't hold my breath for a reply nor even an acknowledgement of my correspondence though.



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Are people really surprised that phone calls cost money?




I think the objection is that each time you phoned up you had that annoying fucking 30 second message which made you press '2' twice or whatever, then you got transferred to a message telling you to fuck off.  Thus you get charged a bunce each time.


This happens time and again - they should have a dedicated ticket line which queues x number of people at a time and if you're in the queue you know you're going to get served.


Then you'd get charged for the time in the queue and getting served - if you cant get through, theres no cost.


I know it's rocket science . . . . . . .



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