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Turning Point Of The Season?

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Today's display was surely a team deserving of another season in Europe, but it's been well overdue and perhaps bordering on having to play catch-up.  But will the Madrid game be the turning point of our season?


Perhaps after a 2-0 loss we shouldn't be quite so proud of our team but by no means did we roll over and die in Spain and I honestly believe the team should have taken a lot from that game mentally.  There's also a slow realisation that our Eurotrips this season are all but over, bar a bit of mathematics and the game vs Copenhagen.


Today against Hibs the players seemed to me to have a collective belief about them and that they could take Hibs from the off.  Jesus, I even lost count how many times Chris Clark took on a man.... and beat him!


So have the players realised what they'll be missing next season and decided to get their fingers out?


Or are injuries forcing some of the underperformers out and giving Touzani, Maguire & Byrne a decent run together?


Or am I jumping the gun and reading too much into one good display and it'll be business as usual next weekend?



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It was encouraging for sure but I am slightly worried about how long it took to kill Hibs off. So many chances were spurned and a better team than Hibs (on todays showing) could have got back in to it. I think Maguire showed great movement but I am not sure he is the answer up front, Lovell looked more likely to score when he came on. I am still a tad cagey after today's good performance but have hope that we can go on a decent run.



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Thought we were excellent today, and I actually think most of it is down to how Nicholson knew that he could ALWAYS run ahead of Touzani.  Lee Miller played very well, the movement of Maguire was good, but he just has to steady himself and relax a wee bit when gets a sight of goal.  Has to realise you don't always have to shoot. 


Michael Hart was excellent and played as a captain should... by example.


Chris Clark tackled four players today AND won the ball.


It really was a good day to be a dandy.


Well done lads.

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Dunno about turning point.

Our best performance of the season so far before today, win over ushited, was followed up by defeat by hearts and celtic with quite horrific displays.

Get 6 pts in our next two games and I'll believe we are well on truly on our way to top4 and Europe again.

If we lose either game it will be a long hard slog to get back into Europe.


The hope is that the players have loved the experience of europe this year (if not the results) and want it again.  The hope is that they realise to get europe again they will have to work their bollocks off to get afc there because there ain't one of them who will walk into a regular place with any other side with such a good chance of europe


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