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Friday 14th June 2024

Euro 2024 - 🇩🇪 Germany v 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotland - kick-off 8pm


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Everything posted by MálagaSheep

  1. Was out on the Hills this morning with my Dog, a bastard of an alsatian attacked her! Two boots to the head sorted the cunt out! But the owner was a bitch, no apology or a thing! I ripped her a new ersehole. My Poor Tara was shaking out her fur.
  2. Am having a party, cyber party, dig in lads
  3. Never saw your reply same back to ye! And to Mondo. Have a great holiday min, sounds great trip and hopefully yer campervan handles yer driving. Are you france route or ferry route from uk?
  4. I wid like a chit chat on the match day thingy Fed up speaking to maself
  5. Murcia is Buc's area. Was up to a place just south o Murcia last year called Catagena, fantastic place and very Spanish. If your heading to malaga or even further south o malaga gee me a shout min, la cala de mijas is another fine place! If the rain is aff i will fire up the bbq and beers in the ice box
  6. Brolly and warm clothes min. Its strange weather just now! Expecting a hoor o rain again this weekend. Last weekend were under water, Where about u going mondo?
  7. Rojo is the colour red not Rioja the type. And i do have feelings rocket, it was fucking lovely! Rice just ample
  8. Hamemade thai green curry the night, accompanied with a bottle of roja
  9. Door number 16, Its another one for the donstalk ladies
  10. The cup final? My opinion is we havnt been good at all this season.
  11. I had u down as a all me kinda man. Latch on, loup on, job done, night night!
  12. SO DO FANNY'S But i still like a lick o een
  13. I really need to come aff the fags but i wina. Sad thing is i like a smoke!
  14. I believe she is but cana mine her name noo
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