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Lovell going nowhere...

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...according to the peej.


can't say this news puts me up nor down. i think there's a tremendous willingness on behalf of the dons support for the boy to do well. but he's not done it, at least not often enough.


there's little point in him staying if he doesn't want to be at todders. all he's doing is taking up a wage that could be spent on someone interested in playing and doing well for us. for all his faults (and there are many, if memory serves) scott dobie is at least keen to come to aberdeen, by all accounts.


lovell's doing nobody any good sitting on the bench doing nothing. but we shouldn't be playing him week in week out on the off-chance he'll come good, as i've seen some other loonies on A.N. Other board suggest.



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...according to the peej.


can't say this news puts me up nor down. i think there's a tremendous willingness on behalf of the dons support for the boy to do well. but he's not done it, at least not often enough.


there's little point in him staying if he doesn't want to be at todders. all he's doing is taking up a wage that could be spent on someone interested in playing and doing well for us. for all his faults (and there are many, if memory serves) scott dobie is at least keen to come to aberdeen, by all accounts.


lovell's doing nobody any good sitting on the bench doing nothing. but we shouldn't be playing him week in week out on the off-chance he'll come good, as i've seen some other loonies on A.N. Other board suggest.




Absolutely, but then not giving the guy a chance at a run at it isn't doing anyone any good either. If he's given a run, and it's not happening, then by all means drop him.


But to have him play as a lone striker and getting balls fired up in the air towards him and then take him off and then not play him at all after it is utter nonsense. And the man taking him off, and making him play to those tactics is the very man who told him not to sign for Leicester as that was their tactics! You couldn't make it up!


From what I hear, Lovell likes it at Aberdeen, what he doesnt like is him not being used properly nor getting a decent run in the side. I can understand people being angry with his display against Hearts, it looked as though his heart wasn't in it.

However, play to his strengths by passing the ball into the channels, and MAYBE we'll see why we bought him in the first place.

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unfortunately, though, we're not a terribly creative side. maybe once de visscher is fit, we'll see a little more football being played, but we just don't have the players at the mo to play a terrific amount of pretty stuff.


therefore, the game we've had to play has been of the hoof-the-ball-up-to-the-strikers-and-hope-they'll-do-something variety. which suited brew very well, as he had the ability and the brains to bring others into the game. but without him, this doesn't work.


with all of this in mind, it doesn't surprise me that we're not playing lovell. he had a chance against hearts to show there was more to his game and didn't take it.


i'm acutely aware i'm not offering a great deal of answers here. lord knows who we're going to play up front on saturday, as no-one apart from brewster has looked even remotely threatening so far.

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I think Lovell and Miller could be the best partnership in Scotland but they hust dont seem to get it together when they play with e ach other.


I wouldn't go that far myself, but i do think that given a proper run of games to get used to each other's style of play in a match situation (after all, how much can they learn of each other in training when they're each forever worried about the prospect of Derek Young kneeling down behind him, as Mackie pushes him over in comedy fashion) they could be really rather good indeed. As it is, Calderwood seems to favour the idea of rotating on a match by match basis, thus removing any hope our potential partnerships have of forming any sort of understanding.

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I think once he's fit you'll see plays run like this:


Jackie Mac to Seve.  Out to De Visscher played into Miller. Flick on to Lovellllll...




Drewsome, I admire your optimism and can only hope that it'll happen.  However, I'd rather see....


Jackie Mac to Seve.  Out wide to DeVisscher on the wing.  DeVisscher beats one, beats two, gets to the by-line, cuts it back....nice step over at the front post from Lovell.....Mackie from 10 yards out....




But, I'm not fussy, I'd settle for either scenario!!

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I think once he's fit you'll see plays run like this:


Jackie Mac to Seve.  Out to De Visscher played into Miller. Flick on to Lovellllll...




Drewsome, I admire your optimism and can only hope that it'll happen.  However, I'd rather see....


Jackie Mac to Seve.  Out wide to DeVisscher on the wing.  DeVisscher beats one, beats two, gets to the by-line, cuts it back....nice step over at the front post from Lovell.....Mackie from 10 yards out....




But, I'm not fussy, I'd settle for either scenario!!


I think you're more likely to have ...Mackie swings and misses at the near post...Lovell taps in the rebound at the far...  ;)

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Goals are Goals - We'll take'em!


Indeed we shall.


Remember when Zander scored with his cock against Rangers?


I thought that now a couple of years down the line, his cock would have played about 100 further first team games. I even hoped his cock might be on the verge of the Scotland set-up. As it is his cock seems to have stagnated and developed a dubious attitude. It's terrible when a cock fails to live up to it's early promise.

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Goals are Goals - We'll take'em!


Indeed we shall.


Remember when Zander scored with his cock against Rangers?


I thought that now a couple of years down the line, his cock would have played about 100 further first team games. I even hoped his cock might be on the verge of the Scotland set-up. As it is his cock seems to have stagnated and developed a dubious attitude. It's terrible when a cock fails to live up to it's early promise.


I know. Ask Mrs Tache...  ;D

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