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Magennis article in the Daily Record

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"In training we work on possession, passing and movement. The strikers work together as do the defenders and by Wednesday they will have the back four set up and the same keeper, that's the way it stays until the game.


A couple of months ago we just didn't know what was happening under Mark McGhee but the new manager has brought everyone together.


It sounds so simple.  Makes you wonder what McGhee was doing with the player when it came to training :doh:  Judging by the quote above it is little wonder the defence has been all over the place this season.

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Like previous posters have said, at least we're on the right track now.  Strange how McGhee's idea of organising training was akin to the proverbial inebriation in a brewery seeing how he'd done so well at other clubs but at least that's behind us now.  New Year, New Start.



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