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  1. too many players off there game only jack mcginn get pass marks, Irish lad at right back just hyper liability last night , some good bits going forward but his marking is horrendous. We win on Saturday and I will have forgotten last night, lets see how we react , but game like that was going come soon be silly think otherwise. No player should take all the blame but Pawlett wanted to take that glory , can see no point in him making the bench never mind starting 11 waste of a shirt. Hayes back on Sat big boost and hopefully shinnie be back after the internationals games. Away work dinna feel to pissed aff as I just looked at league table so lets get win on Saturday and think we will .
  2. cash gate a boost for me. can see 3 or 4 changes at least with few star players on bench like the jute game . going be hard game the guys on the bench might have come on to put hibees bed. personally my mind is on Saturday but like folk say couple games away from a semi final ..
  3. still buzzing after that, makes Monday at work seem a breeze. should have been more but just fantastic performance that put hearts in there place , some great individual performances Mcginn Jack Goodwillie but whole team just got right in about, Pawlett got do wee bit better than that though. Best side I have watched since 1991 and you could argue this one would beat them. more skilful players that's for sure, just joy gan watch them and seeing every player give there all. away book mini bus for Wednesday but Caley game I am already thinking about .
  4. Mcginn had the full backs in his pocket first half so many good crosses put in, died a bit second half but along with shinnie been our top performer this season, I am well pleased with him since that photo in paper he has been excellent , good see another new poster join up I and wish more would as the site works great
  5. Abody before game said it would be that type game, credit Hamilton they played high up park , . Parker should have made it an easy game at the end. Ryan Mcclaughan did well at right back and showed more enough that he can fill in for Shay if injuries happen, he tired second half but loves bomb forward like look him. Shinnie once again was brilliant as was Ward he makes hell of difference in games like that when balls punted in the box last ten mins and you don't worry as he is going control his box. 7 out 7 superb on we march . great crowd for Tuesday great times. oh only downer for me was Peter Pawlett comes on and jogs about .should be showing lot mare effort than that. guy needs realise that after here he will be going down the way
  6. aye was listening that rico and its spot on
  7. Mcginn was fairly getting excited is he not allowed to do that :laughing:D what team spirit we got
  8. fucking superb. never since the 80s have seen the ground go nuts like that . best bounce since charlies winner against huns. we are made the real stuff, can we dream oh fuck aye. ye sense if there Griffiths get injured there fucked . but enough about them its all about us the day. we have put to bed we canna beat them fan it matters . today we showed we wanted it so much and that was magic see... we got some team here. now lets get massive crowd on Tuesday my 46th birthday so nae excuse for nae gan. I am away have a whisky watch the game again
  9. bastard nae got one yet but hopefully one will pop up or it will just be the one trip to Edinburgh that week. hibs and hearts games was always my best away trips
  10. in main stand be hitting castlegate early doors 2.1 rooney . hayes. lest get right into this vermin
  11. my das fav, and he even went down watch him play for Fulham . great hear there will be a banner for him at next weeks game. legends never die.
  12. think 9/10 dons fans will say our squad is not good enough win the title its nothing new, its reality that's were we at and what we are up against naebody is disagreeing with ye . I have seen us win the league 3 times and the next time will be the best feeling out the lot of them just hope that day comes.
  13. rocket we are 20/1 or more at the bookies to win the league , its that price for reason, for us to win the league it be be up there with our greatest achievement . if we are leading or right beside the tims come the Jan window they will splash another few million that's fit we are up against. aye they are nae a great side but there squad and resources are in a different league to us . so unless we start spending serious money then the odds will always be 20/1 . aye I believe we can do them in a couple weeks but over season the odds are stacked against us. signing another striker would get us even closer. but the reality is we are competing with rest when it comes to squads . and just now were winning that hands down.
  14. Our squad has proved to be far better than the rest. lately we have added in Mclean Shinnie Quinn Parker . Flood still does a job and has proved it already this season. Smith was man of the match at Dundee united and played well against killie . Robson can still kill game aff and will be used to do so like Saturday. as for Pawlett we ken fit he can do , its a massive season for him so I am hardly going to right him off just now. I have watched Wright many times for under 20s and he will play part this season also. think hearts and the likes will be more worried about injuries and suspensions than us that's for sure.
  15. mcinnies repeated there will be no more coming in , do we believe him tomorrow we find out.. I am nae gan be depressed if we don't get another in . we got good squad as Saturdays bench showed. but another striker would be great
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