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Aberdeen FC can today announced details of Under 19 squad contracts.


Declan McManus, Jamie Masson, Michael Rose, Ryan Fraser and Stephen O'Neill have all been offered new deals to keep them at the club for next season.

Unfortunately, the following players will not be making the step up to the first team squad - Conor Devaney, Dean Carse, Michael Dunlop and Przemyslaw Lukasik.


Under 19 manager Neil Cooper spoke to RedWeb following the news:


"Unfortunately it is that time of year again when decisions have to be made regarding the future of players within my squad. This is never an easy task, particularly as the team have been playing so well this season.


"On a positive note, more players have been offered contracts with the club than those being released but sadly not every player is at the stage of their development when they are ready for first team football.


"Alongside Craig and Archie, I have watched the players display a great attitude and level of performance in each and every match however given the nature of Scottish football at this moment in time we cannot offer every player a contract should we feel they are not quite ready to make the step up from Under 19's to the senior squad.


"While the boys leaving us will be disappointed this is only a minor setback in their careers and they still have the opportunity to go on and play regular football at a very good level, particularly if they show the same attitude and commitment they have demonstrated during their time here at Aberdeen.!


Everyone at the club wishes the players departing all the very best for their future careers and thanks them for the contributions they made while playing for Aberdeen FC.


I thought the club were touting the Polish boy as a future 1st teamer for us as recently as last month?


Also, nice to see the usual standards of sub-editing on the official site!  :hammer:

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