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The day after - Hibs

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Well how the fuck did we lose a 2 goal lead but in the end applaud our players for managing to hold on to get a draw?


Brewster showed his class and now we are away to lose him, how can we be so gutted at losing a 40 year old striker? He has qualities which Mackie, Lovell and Miller do not have or even come close to having. For instance how did Mackie miss his chance?? (i have a video of it, just waiting for youtube to process)


Our team collapsed once Diamond and Severin came off and it was like watching a car crash the last 30 mins. My nails were bitten to destruction and what for? I dont know - ahhh  :hammer:



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Even at 3-1 I initially wasn't confident that we would win but then we had a 10-15min spell where we were excellent, and really should have gone 4-1 up.  The bastards made me think it was game over then we went and shot ourselves in the foot.


Can't believe that Zander is the same player that was a constant bomb-scare this time last season and is now such a vital player for us that we collapse when he goes off.  Suggestion was made last night that he should be captain instead of Seve and amazingly I'd probably agree at present.  Seve was again disappointing and really needs to pick his performance level up.  Unfortunately we don't really have any options in the middle so his place is safe but we desperately need an improvement there.


It has been a poor start to the season but it was always going to be tough.  We were generally poor vs the top6 and united last year, particularly early on, so it is no real surprise that we have found it tough again. We finished 3rd thanks to our results vs the bottom 6 and it is these matches that will again ensure we are battling for europe come May.


Looking at our rivals, the OF will run away from the rest this year but should be a good battle for the title. Hearts are looking miserable, and our draw with them looking worse by the day.  Unless changes are made you have to wonder if they'll even be top6 but no doubt they will improve at some stage before swapping managers disrupts things again.  Hibs will be their inconsistent best but seem to have a bit more resilience than the past, coming back from 2 goals down twice already this season, something they would never have done a year ago.  May well be our main challengers for 3rd although there keeper looks even worse than the previous lot.


Killie will be there usual solid selves and finish somewhere between 5th and 8th.  United and 'Well look to have improved and should be challenging for the top6 but surely europe is a step too far for them at the moment. As for the rest, looks like Brew will have a hard job at ICT, and Gretna may have some comepition for 12th with them and Saints while Falkirk will do enough to again finish in no mans land.


Anyway great days entertainment and I'm confident that things will come good, as long as JC sticks with 442, and it's absolutely brilliant to see how well Zander is playing, lets hope he keeps it up (and plays 90mins sometime soon)

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