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WARNING: Wankers fucking with the roads tomorrow

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Fuel protest convoy set to roll

Fuel convoy

The convoy will consist of about 30 vehicles

A day of action by farmers and hauliers is set to take place on Saturday in protest at the rising cost of fuel.


The Road Haulage Association said a convoy of 30 lorries and heavy goods vehicles would make its way from Hamilton to Stirling along major roads.


A group calling itself Transaction2007 has also said it would stage a protest at the Grangemouth refinery.


The action comes as prices on the forecourt passed the £1 a litre mark in recent weeks.


Truckers are calling for the Westminster government to introduce a fuel price regulator, which would freeze fuel duty while the price of oil remains volatile.


They are also unhappy about a 2p government increase in fuel duty introduced in October.


Philip Flanders, of the Road Haulage Association, said the convoy would begin in Hamilton Services at 1000 GMT, moving eastwards towards Stirling along the M74, the M8, then M9.


Many hauliers are facing a bleak future and the public face higher prices for their shopping

Philip Flanders



The trucks will pass the Ineos plant at Grangemouth before joining the A80 and heading south.


Mr Flanders said the demonstration was being staged to highlight the problems faced by the haulage industry as a result of diesel costs and high fuel tax.


He said: "Many hauliers are facing a bleak future and the public face higher prices for their shopping.


"This affects everyone and we continue to urge the UK Government to introduce a fuel price regulator and to freeze duel duty while the price of oil is so volatile."


Strategic blockade


The number of vehicles taking part in the protest was restricted to 30 by police forces along the route.


A spokesman for Central Scotland Police said: "We are aware of the protest involving a number of heavy goods vehicles.


"We are working to ensure this has a minimal impact on the public, whilst recognising the legitimate right of lawful protest."


The spokesman said police remained unaware of a demonstration at the Grangemouth refinery by Transaction2007.


The group, an alliance of hauliers and farmers, said their action would begin at 1000 GMT on Saturday.


A strategic blockade of oil refineries in 2000 caused major disruption and forced the government to cut tax on petrol.

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