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Saturday 21st September 2024 - kick-off 5.30pm

🏆 Scottish League Cup: Aberdeen v The Spartans


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Posts posted by Stupie82

  1. WYOWYN would be an excellent contribution.


    My default answer to them all is yes. If it's got a pulse and is female and not diseased, why would you not?


    Some you would walk miles for, others you would only when it's laid down and spread out for a quick release.


    Not rocket science. Got to fuck and variety is the spice of life.


    Buc, is that you?

  2. Nah unfortunately I doubt it, not seen him on Mad for a few years now. Your right though his wyowyn posts were a thing of beauty  :laughing:


    One must continue the WYOWYN trend on here... it will give the place a fresh wee lick of paint!!

  3. Well this seems a quaint neighbourhood bar.........


    Pint of Bishop's Foreskin please.


    Aye, the locals will be staring soon! Either that or they will just see us as lads having a wee larff!


    Any rowdiness and we may get Peggy Mitchelled




  4. As the title suggests, what is the biggest bust up you have had at the footy!


    Fortunately for me, I havent been on the end of any fists or handbags, but I aye mind having a right barney with a couple in the RDS.


    To put it lightly, Im a tad vocal to say the least. I let my heart rule my head and can occasionally get a wee bitty heated at the footy. That said, on this particular day i felt i had a point (many will disagree, many have but im nae caring  :P). So here I am, season ticket holder for the last 20 years, nae that should matter, but voicing my opinion as always. Couple in front, also ST holders and with child in tow, start having a dig at me because im using foul language in front of their kid. The Dad decides to get up, stands in front of me and tries to stare me out, then starts a tirade of abuse towards me... nae swear wordies though.


    So after weeks of tuts, stares and references to me being a terrible man, i decide to have a wee pop. I lean forward and calmly tell these parents that their is a wonderful family stand across for the RDS that they and their precious 10 old (ish) child can go sit in if they arent happy with my opinions and/or a language. The dad then decides to offer me a square go behind the stand, to which i sarcastically replied " this isnt a very good example you are setting your child here". The dad now raging, goes to grab me, when suddenly his wife steps in and marches him out.... I never saw them again and its been two years since. Truth be told, i was glad! I was shitting myself as this guy was a big laddie and his missus looked like she could handle hersel'... ya ken the type!!




  5. Think that might include supporters club orders which had to be in yesterday.


    Aye mibees. Still, 3500 in first day is not too shabby. Will be interesting to see the figures by the end of the week. Think the club have missed a trick though! They should have said that if you bought a ticket for this game, then there is a bigger chance you can get final tickets ... (should we make it of course  :thumbsup: )


    Reckon will likely see 15-18K tops .



  6. Excellent....didn't want to buy blindly and find myself at the front below pitch level


    I made that mistake for the Dundee Utd semi. Im almost certain that I selected the row 3rd from the back, but ended up 3 from the front. Was absolutely awful and couldn't guage depth or distance ata ll. God awful stadium for football  :(

  7. Been a member here since the first AbMad "advertgate". Not posted much either, again because it can be quite slow at times, but it is a good platform and there are no intrusive adverts. Would be nice to see a migration of the regular Abmad posters to here now that Ed has gone. 

  8. TBH Jute, the team might lose 2nd place and it would be entirely their fault.


    that was just as bad as that last big defeat at st johnstone years ago. 5 nil thumping and fans fighting with each other. Their was a rumour doing Glasgow today that the tic's were touting micinnes for the dirty unwashed job. I laughed it off in work, but that performance just shows either the players are just incompitent or they really are not playing for ncinnes now


    What has happened though? is 2nd place not important enough for our players! You can excuse an off day, but last night performance was abysmal! There were even games under McGhee where we played better.


    I just cant for the life of me understand the attitudes of the players last night. Even the likes of Shinnie, Hayes and Logan, who are consistently good players, looked to have given up last night. Perhaps the players know something we dont, or perhaps they are just gutless and choose the games they want to turn up in.


    The league was pretty much over before last night, but it wasnt completely over and you would have expected the team to fight and fight all the way to the end of the season, in the hope there was a colossal slip up from Celtic, which wasn't that unlikely to be honest.





  9. It wouldnt surprise me if Celtic came sniffing around, but then I there is NO chance of him going there. Everton is a good move and to be honest he deserves a move like that. The difference between the likes of Jack and Fyvie/Fraser is that Jack has proven himself at his level consistently for years. I think if there is ever a time for him to move, it would be now. I would love for him to stay and i hope he does, but i think we will lose him.

  10. Milliband proved last night exactly why he isn't fit to be prime minister. A man who is willing to cut his nose off to spite his face, deserves no place in no.10. He maybe doesn't want to work with SNP and he has a right to say that, but he cant moan when he his party disappears into oblivion. The political map in England makes grim reading for Labour as it is and with the exception of a few big cities voting for them, everywhere else is Conservative. In Scotland the SNP could remove every Labour MP altogether.


    The only way he will get into No.10 is through a deal, one he isn't willing to make with the SNP and that will be his downfall. Labour may not have an MP in Scotland for generations to come, if the SNP keep going like they are. It does sicken me that they wont do a deal with the SNP and its just a continuation of the anti-SNP agenda that occurred during the referendum. Constant scaremongering rubbish that the SNP are bad for the UK is getting a tad tedious now. labour, like the cons promised powers to Scotland upon which nothing has happened and now the Scottish people voting against them. IMO they are shitting themselves at the prospect of the SNP taking Scotland and that they will be left with no seats.

  11. Basically that there was never a title race and that he always knew he would pick up a league winners medal this season


    In the words of Kevin Keegan * I would just fucking love it"etc.......


    Its that sort of arrogance that can come back to haunt him, but the likelihood is they will win the league and he will think he is right. As I said below, they have spent £36M on wages so its not exactly some massive achievement. He should be embarrassed that they haven't already won it, rather than pap on about how he is the master of the universe.


    I would prefer they didn't win it at Pittodrie, but there is no shame in getting this close to that lot.

  12. ... not ONE Aberdeen player in his Daily Record team of the year  >:(


    6 Celtic players make it and his top striker.... CIFTCI  :rofl:


    I don't know whether to laugh or greet that someone could be so blatantly biased. Of course, Sutton is a tim and the daily record is shite, but how did that go to print. If I was him, I would be embarrassed.


    As if we didn't need reminded of how crap the record is, Commons is in it saying Celtic had the league won since day one! Aye the £36M spent in wages probably secured that,... overrated prick.




  13. Found the exact same!


    It does get better, but the 1st season of breaking bad was slow. They are setting it up just nicely for the 2nd season and I think it will be like BB in that it will get grimier and darker. The similarities are there. Both had humour in the first season, with the 'butter wouldn't melt' characters and then as time went on it got darker and the characters developed into who we came to love. Hopefully that's where it is going.


    I highly recommend Daredevil if no one has watched it yet. Its a Marvel adaption and its a superhero as you would expect, but its quite dark and gory and I was very surprised at how good it was. 9/10 for me !!

  14. Failing to deliver a sponsor should have seen senior heads role.


    Absolute farce.


    In any other line of work it probably would have, but not for Donkeycaster, he seems to always come up smelling of roses. A shambles that a league in Scotland cant attract sponsors.

  15. BBC : Scottish Professional Football League set for new sponsor


    Scottish Football could be set for a new league sponsor ahead of the new season.


    Amid speculation that a deal is close the Scottish Premier Football League have told BBC Scotland that "talks are ongoing" to secure a new backer for the four divisions.


    They also say they are "hopeful of an announcement being made in time for next season."


    The league have been without a sponsor for the past two seasons.


    The Clydesdale Bank sponsored the Scottish Premier League up until their contract expired in 2013, electing not to renew their £2m-per year deal.


    I wonder how much this deal is being negotiated on the basis that Rangers need to be in the top flight. Sounds like paranoia, but its highly possible. I don't trust Doncaster to do the right thing and tell them to piss off if that is the potential sponsor demands. If the huns don't get promoted through the playoffs, then I fully expect a 16 team league to be discussed over the coming weeks for the 'good' of the game.



  16. ......Maybe it could of been a bit better, but overall I was pleased by the performance and hopefully we can keep it up with the New Firm match this week, although given how craptastic United has been, I don't see why we can't get a W this week.


    Red card for the 'New Firm' description  :laughing:





  17. No real surprise there  >:(


    None at all, Utd have conceded 20 (TWENTY) goals to Celtic this season and scored 4. The result was never in doubt. Celtic should be more worried about ICT and St J and hopefully we can finally beat Celtic too.

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