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Wednesday 19th June 2024

Euro 2024 -  🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotland v 🇨🇭Switzerland

kick-off 8pm


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Posts posted by stubo72

  1. Hearts might still be in with a shout. Especially if he is tired of playing in the SPL. Where exactly do defunked football clubs play these days ?


    I want to know where the funked ones play!

  2. I ken fook all about this boy, but from the sound of things a decent signing.


    Wonder what the consensus will be by August though...  ;D


    A much more promising start to the transfer bonanza than I was expecting - and for free and before the season is even over to boot.


    Well done Jimmy (for now!).

  3. You and hundreds of other Dons fans may not like it, but as there are only 3 matches left, there is surely nothing wrong with playing him. The alternatives are McGuire and Mackie up front. It seems like a case of we have to play him regardless of whether he stays or go's.


    Preening, diving prima donna or not, he remains our top goalscorer. I wish him luck whatever he decides. I just wish he'd hadn't taken till this season to get his finger out!


    No problem playing him, as he is the best of a bad bunch and we still have an outside chance of 3rd... I just feel that we always let this kind of thing drag on. Maybe it is just reality and I don't want to accept it... living through the Eighties is both a blessing and a curse!


    As for his recent return to form - it is no suprise that it coincides with his 'shop-window' phase is it?


    Just can't help feeling he has taken the piss out of us once too often.

  4. Am I the only one who will be would have been glad to see the back of Lee Miller?


    He is a decent SPL forward, no doubt - but he is also a preening, diving prima-donna who thinks he's better than he is.


    If I was Jimmy I'd have told him to GTF by now.


    Why are we letting this ponce hang around waiting to see if he gets a better offer? Do we really want him when he has never shown any sign of anything even approaching loyalty to any club he has ever played for? Jimmy - tell him he is away and to enjoy League 1 football (either next season, or the one after; when the Championship side that signs him gets relegated).


    There must be hundreds of similarly talented but much harder working players out there who would actually think that playing for the Dons is an honour, not just a pay packet?!





  5. Why is he asking us to 'give them a break'?!?


    Surely as professionals who have chosen a career in a spectator sport they should be breaking their necks to prove how good they are?!?! Its up to them to shut us up by putting in a good performance! Quick as we are to critiscise, we are equally quick to praise effort and (whisper it) a bit of fuckin quality!


    They really are living out our fantasy by even pulling on the shirt - it is hardly suprising if we call them for everything if they are making a mockery of our dream is it? I never dreamt of being a 'mediocre' Dons player. I was always totaly fucking magic in my back garden - banging in the goals (off the side of the shed, whilst trying to avoid breaking the greenhoose), making 70 yard pin-point passes (5 yards in reality - the garden wasnae big), and bewildering (imaginary) defences with dazzling mazy runs roond the wee bit green that we had.


    Maybe your time would be better spent telling the pair of them to grow a pair, Jimmy!

  6. Given it is a monthly award, it would be interesting to see how many others have received it and how often they make it into their teams' first elevens... or how many other winners are released at the end of the season.

  7. 9/2 to win the uefa cup

    1/12 to win scottish cup

    1/4 to win the league


    get yer money on a treble for rangers 3 remaining possible trophies now!!! - so if they do win the 3 at least ye'll get some money out of it to cheer yourself up!


    I don't want dirty money man. Forza Fiorentina!

  8. I feel compelled to add my tuppence worth, but can think of no words to adequately describe my disappointment.


    I never thought I would ever be one to say this, but Jimmy really must go. Clueless twat in charge of a bunch of even more clueless twats.


    If I had a picture of a pile of vomit it would be posted here.


    :hammer:  :hammer:  :hammer:  :hammer:  :hammer:  :hammer:  :hammer:  :hammer:  :hammer:

  9. Going to Hampden

    1 Mizer

    2-3 Sneckie +1

    4-7 Kowalski +3

    8-9 Manc_don +1

    10-12 Fatjim + 2

    13 Edinburghdon

    14-17. Andrew + 3

    18. DON 71

    19 -24 BigAl + 5

    25-30 Stonefish100 + 5

    31 Ajja

    32-39 Wee Toon Red + 7

    40-80 Glasgow Sheep +39 guascers

    81 Aberdeen_Ladette

    82 - 96 Dave min + 13 (all sharing a room in glasgow!)

    97-100 The Ferret +3

    Room 101. Chimp

    102-111 Superstar Tradesman

    112. Peterheid Loon

    113-119 Wazzamatazz + 6

    120-128 Jagerdeen + 7

    129 GlezgaRed (plus a few others, not sure how many)

    130(ish) Stubo72 +2


    Not going


    2. Harcus

    3. Ptkdon  Hammer

    4. Bilbo. I don't care I'm giving up Aberdeen FC to support Sol Bamba.


    In Canada


  10. Can I just say;




    Great bounce... we outsung the Celtic fans almost all game... and we fucking won!!!




    I love football again.


    [move] ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D[/move]

  11. One plus point is that it may encourage ither young players to join Aiberdeen as they'll see it diznae harm their chunces o gettin called up, so lang as they put the effort in


    That's true. Was in a bit of a bad mood when I originally posted. Hate the fact that we cannae seem to produce many of our own players these days, and have to get excited about under 19 English loaners...


    I almost wish I didn't remember the 80s...

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